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Autodescription — tropical year (Q189607)

description: period of time for the ecliptic longitude of the Sun to increase 360°
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Classification of the class tropical year (Q189607)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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See also

Citation for English description


On 20 March 2018 I added this description:

The period of time for the ecliptic longitude of the Sun to increase 360 degrees. Since the Sun's ecliptic longitude is measured with respect to the equinox, the tropical year comprises a complete cycle of seasons

This was copied from the "Glossary" of the "Astronomical Almanac Online" published by the US Naval Observatory at

The Wikidata system does not provide a method to cite a reference for a description, so I am putting the citation here. Jc3s5h (talk) 15:35, 20 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

The reason descriptions wouldn't have citations is that most citable sources do not constitute public domain text, which WD descriptions and labels are (CC0 specifically, which also releases rights in jurisdictions that don't recognise PD per se). USNO, being a US federal body, is the exception here. Anyway, I think your approach of linking here is sound, but the URL needs updating so here it is: Arlo Barnes (talk) 22:42, 15 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]