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I came upon this page where language subtags and scripts are noted in the tables. It was also noted that its content updates were carried out by bot. Hence, there is no point of me making changes regarding their syntax.

The syntax in question are the two letter language subtag and scripts in sentence syntax per the instructions from the W3C's BCP47 see examples on the right side of the document page.

see screen shot.

What I see from the Wikidata language table is different. For instance, Chinese traditional scripts: zh-Hant, Madarin Chinese spoken in Taiwan would have been: zh-TW. The Wikidata item Q18130932 follows the syntax, language subtag, case insensitive, script titlecase, zh-Hant,

However, on top of the page is displayed in lower case. Since I am new to this, not sure how changes could be made through the right channel? FYI



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