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DNB rank


Hello @MisterSynergy:,
Why did you change the rank of DNB? DNB seems to me to be topical. The page exists and no other page seems to exist on this db. VIAF did not classify DNB under "delete", but "add". Also, could you explain to me "undifferentiated (type Tn)"? Should I directly classify this identifier as "deprecated"? Surely I'm not a connoisseur of these subtleties. Looking forward to reading you. Sincerely. —Eihel (talk) 19:29, 21 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

GND has basically two types of entries for persons: "Tp" (differentiated person) for individual persons, and "Tn" (undifferentiated person) as collector pages for all persons that share the same name (and do not have an individual "Tp" entry yet). The "Tn" type is in some sense similar to Wikipedia disambiguation pages, but they do *not* identify individual persons, even if there are works of only one person listed on that "Tn" entry. For that reason, "Tn" type entries should never be used in Wikidata, while "Tp" entries should be used. You can simply distinguish them in the GND web portal, as "Tn" entries say "Name", while "Tp" entries say "Person" in the data table. There is some collaboration between the dewiki community and GND to generate "Tp" entries for persons where we need it.
Some more background: GND very recently announced that "Tn" entries are no longer being generated/supported starting Sept 2019, and likely even to be removed next year. This type of entries is nowadays seen as bad style and not really serving a purpose; moreover, data on them is poorly maintained as "Tn" entries have lowest priority, and GND in general struggles a bit to keep its database in good shape (too much data to organize, and too little manpower available). However, this has nothing to do with how we treat "Tn" entries here; they were never suitable for Wikidata. —MisterSynergy (talk) 19:45, 21 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]