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description: catholic position in France
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Roman Catholic Bishop of Tarbes et Lourdes⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

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File:L'évêque de Tarbes-Lourdes Jean-Marc Micas.jpg Jean-Marc Micas (Q106413654) 2022-03-30 –
Nicolas Brouwet (Q1223288) 2012-02-11 – 2021-08-10
Jacques Perrier (Q1238286) 1998-01-16 – 2012-02-11
Jean Sahuquet (Q1685810) 1988-03-25 – 1998-01-16
Henri Donze (Q55418122) 1970-02-12 – 1988-03-25
Pierre-Marie Théas (Q820432) 1947-02-17 – 1970-02-12
Georges-Eugène-Emile Choquet (Q1508754) 1938-02-11 – 1946-04-20
Pierre-Marie Gerlier (Q650696) 1929-05-14 – 1937-07-30
Alexandre-Philibert Poirier (Q15243389) 1927-08-24 – 1928-08-25
François-Xavier Schoepfer (Q3083736) 1912-04-20 – 1927-08-24
Position created: 1912-04-20
Replaces: Roman Catholic Bishop of Tarbes (Q114959016); talk