Template:User groups/hu

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This page is a translated version of the page Template:User groups and the translation is 100% complete.

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{{User groups}}


Each page calls Template:User groups/layout, where defined style and translatable elements.

Create new translation:

For create new translation please use link above languages list.

Note 1: Most user group names is translated in translatewiki.net. But some groups is locally, and should be translated by creation localized messages. This messages is:

See list of common messages, used in this template:

Source msg (/en) Local translation Go to TWN
Users Szerkesztők >>
Autoconfirmed users Automatikusan megerősített szerkesztők >>
Confirmed users 4 napos várakozás alól felmentettek >>
Rollbackers Visszaállítók >>
IP block exemption IP-blokkok alól mentesülő szerkesztők translated locally
in this template
Account creators Fióklétrehozók >>
Administrators Adminisztrátorok >>
Translation administrators Fordítási adminisztrátorok >>
Bureaucrats Bürokraták >>
Check users IP-ellenőrök >>
Oversighters Adatvédelmi biztosok >>
Bots Botok >>
Flooder Elárasztók translated locally
in this template
Property creators Tulajdonságlétrehozók >>
Wikidata staff Wikidata staff >>

Note 2: New translations made in translatewiki.net can move here with some lag.

Note 3: For working in the translatewiki.net you will needed separate account (preferable these same username, but different password) and obtaining 'translator rights' (but this is no big deal).