Topic on User talk:Wesalius

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Steak (talkcontribs)

What about importing the Elo ratings since January? Is there a problem?

Wesalius (talkcontribs)

No problem, I am just busy in real life, graduated from an university a month ago, everything is settling down.

Wesalius (talkcontribs)

I am working on it, one of the scripts which reformats the data from fide refuses to work with me, but hopefully I will make it work soon and the uploading will start again.

Wesalius (talkcontribs)

I resolved the issues, the elo ratings are being added.

Steak (talkcontribs)

Nice :)

Steak (talkcontribs)

There are some items where the bot skipped adding the month qualifier in the first run in November/Dezember 2016. I removed such Elo statements because it does not make sense without month. Is it possible that your bot checks at all items if all Elo statements are complete for all available months, and adds the elo rating of missing months?

Wesalius (talkcontribs)

Yes, it will add them this time or in another iteration. It goes through all the previously added months and checks if the value is already added, if it is not (or have been deleted) then it adds it, so if it will be added now or next time depends on if that month has already been checked.

Steak (talkcontribs)
Wesalius (talkcontribs)

Hmm, it seems there were some errors when parsing the xml source file. Since there is just couple of them I will fix them after the run is done, thank you for noticing.

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