Can you make something for your bot [https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q132851&curid=134630&action=history about this]. It 's not very funny.
Thanks a lot.
Can you make something for your bot [https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q132851&curid=134630&action=history about this]. It 's not very funny.
Thanks a lot.
This is very stupid and pointless, but there is no need for a signature here.
Just stop reverting the bot. It's an item about a rank, not about disambiguation pages.
No. It's a disambiguation page about a rank, and not only.
''Amiral'' or ''Admiral'' not only refers to a military rank. It's also refers to a dignity. And ''amiral'' in french navy refers to four ranks, one dignitiy. In canadian navy : three ranks, etc. One ''admiral'' is not necessarily refers to an ''admiral'' in other navy.
So, we have a disambiguation page.
Wikidata has items, not pages.
What Wikipedia page are you looking at?
If Wikipedia has as a disambiguation page, it should be on an item with instance of (P31) = Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410), not Q132851.