Topic on User talk:Милан Јелисавчић

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Summary by Zenfiric

Item meaning is corrected to "Tsar of Russian/Moscow Tsardom (1547-1721)".

Infovarius (talkcontribs)

Hello! What do you mean by this? You seem to mix Российская империя, Русское царство and Московское княжество (different countries) in here...

Zenfiric (talkcontribs)

No, my intention is to create an item for the official position established in Russian Empire since Peter the Great. Empire and Tzardome are the same thing, it is in Slavic world known as former.

Infovarius (talkcontribs)

So your intention was about R.Empire... Because Empire is not Tsardome. And very far from Period of appanages (Q13403037). But this item was used for all these periods which is not adequate from historical point of view. And rulers from these periods have different names too...

Zenfiric (talkcontribs)
Infovarius (talkcontribs)

I propose to change its meaning to "Tsar of Russian/Moscow Tsardom (1547-1721)". I am changing statements according to this.