Topic on User talk:Jeblad

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Sextvåetc (talkcontribs)


Q1: I have seen you add bokmål or nynorsk as P2936 in norske kommune! Good! Are those places where you have added both, where it is "nøytral"?

Adding P3831:målform as qualifier was a good idea. It makes it less problematic to separate "high quality"-claims like yours from other random values.

Q2: How about the kommune(s) where a sami language is used? If I remember correctly there is only one, or has that changed since last time I checked?

Jeblad (talkcontribs)

Using “Nøytral” is problematic, as it does not say what it covers. It builds on implicit knowledge, so by writing out what it means it become clearer.

The quality in this case isn't particular high quality, as the source is somewhat dubious. It conmes from a data template used at nowiki, but that reference a page at SSB which obviously does not have the claimed information. It has although been used for some time so it seems correct.

There are several municipalities within the Sami Language Area, but I have not gotten around to add them. There are three different Sami Languages in use. Porsanger kommune, also use Kven language. Municipalities with additional languages are listed at w:no:Forvaltningsområdet for samisk språk.

Sextvåetc (talkcontribs)
Jeblad (talkcontribs)
Sextvåetc (talkcontribs)

Have you ensured that there are no random values added to P2936 in any kommune?

Jeblad (talkcontribs)

Should not be for any Norwegian municipalities.

Sextvåetc (talkcontribs)

Good, then I can remove the qualifier requirements in the template.

You see, I have so many times seen people adding "Language X" to random entity Y with the only reason, they and their family uses that language and they live in Y.

Forvaltningsområdet for samisk språk is an intresting term as such. One of my neighbour kommune here in Sweden has become a Förvaltningsområde för samiska. But I doubt one single person speaks South sami there. The Sami Culture exists, but not the language, at least not the original South sami.

Jeblad (talkcontribs)

I know very little about the Swedish “Förvaltningsområde för samiska”, but in Narway “Forvaltningsområdet for samisk språk” imply the administration must be able to handle a case in Sami language, not just put up roadsigns with additional Sami text.

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