Topic on User talk:Amb sib

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Summary by Amb sib

Ongoing collaboration

TiagoLubiana (talkcontribs)

Hello Amb,

I saw that you voted up on the Cellosaurus bot a while ago, and also edited items related to cell lines.

I am trying to input cell line information on WIkidata as a part of Wikiproject COVID-19 (see Wikidata:WikiProject_COVID-19/Items/Biology#Cell_Lines).

I was wondering if you could answer a couple things:

1 - Is it still active? It seems as the latest update was a couple years ago.

2 - Is the source code available somewhere? I am very interested in putting this bot up and running again :)

The idea would be to catalog cell lines used for SARS-CoV-2  (as per and match them to articles by using the "describes a project that uses (P4510)" to relevant articles.

Also, I believe that the "found in taxon" property for the species of origin is not the best of option, as they are no really found in any individuals of a given taxon. I would tend more to P1582 ( which has been used more for natural products, but may apply to cell line too or a new properties. This is a detail, though, the point is to get the bot again in action :)

If there is anything I can do, please let me know.



Amb sib (talkcontribs)

Hi Tiago

Very timely mail: I wanted to rerun the bot as I did not have time to do so since it first ran in June 2018. Lots of things to discuss about that especially about what property to use fo the species of orgin. There is also some update to do on the bot concerning the fact that I have now mapped the Cellosaurus to ORDO (in addition to NCIt). That's why I want to rerun the bot when I finish the next release of the Cellosaurus in May/June.

As to the source code, it is in:

Can you contact me on so that we can discuss all theses issues.

Best regards

Amos Bairoch

TiagoLubiana (talkcontribs)

Thank you, Amos.

I have also contacted Lelia and she redirected me to you. I will send you an e-mail, then, and we can continue the conversation there.

