Topic on User talk:BubblySnow

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Fame Internet (Q104949619)

Summary last edited by Fameinternet 12:01, 21 January 2021 3 years ago


How can I recreate my entity. what are the requirements. because I am new here and want to contribute.

Fameinternet (talkcontribs)

This is regarding the entity "Fame Internet", you reported it for deletion, I respect your opinion that my entity is not notable but can I ask something? because all other entities those are not notable should also be deleted without any delay.

  1. Q104782133
  2. Q104842224

If my entity is advertising then what is this?

BubblySnow (talkcontribs)

Dear This are not made by me check the creation log and tell me.

BubblySnow (talkcontribs)
Fameinternet (talkcontribs)

But why someone did not marked them for deletion before my suggestion?

Ohkay thanks.

BubblySnow (talkcontribs)

I think some one has not seen that item yet, So when you told me, after that I checked both items bot are not notable so I marked for deletion. if you need and help you can leave msg in my talk page.

BubblySnow (talkcontribs)

Dear is your entity notable?

Fameinternet (talkcontribs)

I dont think.

kindly check this one also: Q101575325

BubblySnow (talkcontribs)

Yes this is notable

Fameinternet (talkcontribs)

Is trademarked name is considered as notable?

Trade (talkcontribs)
BubblySnow (talkcontribs)

It is notable because it was linked with wikipedia page, Note if page will be deleted then wikidata will be deleted too.