Topic on User talk:HedgeHog

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Could you please fix the title property as well?

RPI2026F1 (talkcontribs)

I saw you are trying to fix formatting issues in labels of scientific articles. However, you also need to modify title (P1476) as well since they contain the same formatting error. Thanks!

HedgeHog (talkcontribs)

I planned this for the next phase of clean up. Currently I'm using toolchain SPARQL query + OpenRefine + QuickStatements and still hasn't elaborate correct OpenRefine/Wikidata schema configuration for proper overriding title. There can be more than one value for the title, and the update should be applied to correct one. So it's look like I need to change pipeline (including starting query) and run this cleanup separately.

Thanks for your feedback.

RPI2026F1 (talkcontribs)

Personally I have no idea how I'd do it with OpenRefine and I'd write a custom Pywikibot script to do it, which is easier to work with for me. But good luck on your endeavor!

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