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Berlin street address - located on street

GeoGQL (talkcontribs)
  1. street address, to be converted to located on street - requires items for former streets
  2. located on street, to improve and check later

If one would have items for individual land plots one could just use "location=" and put all the extra information into these land plot items. If street and housenumber are specified, then Ortsteil, Bezirk, police district, election district etc. can be inferred.

Singlespeedfahrer (talkcontribs)
Singlespeedfahrer (talkcontribs)

That could be work for a bot or?

- Get "street adress" from item

- Extract street, number and Postleitzahl

- Check where the item is located?

- Find street ID and Postleitzahl ID

- Add "located on street" with number and Postleitzahl

Hope I understand you correctly.

GeoGQL (talkcontribs)

@Nw520, PantherStrix: Nw520 wrote on my talk "die deutschsprachige Beschreibung von street address (P6375) sagt aus: „Verwende zusätzlich P669, wenn die Straße ein eigenes Objekt hat.“. Insofern kann ich deine Löschungen nicht recht nachvollziehen. Hattest du das irgendwo bereits diskutiert?" --- I am working using English, and maybe it is the best approach as this is the most widely used language and discussion at the property itself is also in English, the English description has "use also P669 if the street has its own separate item" - I didn't understand it too mean to use this "also" on the same item. It doesn't say "additionally" (~zusätzlich?). But that was my mistake, because I thought duplicated information is in general undesired in Wikidata and P669 has a description which seemed to support this.

On located on street (P669) it says 'Use property P6375 "street address", if there is no item for the street' - which could be read as use that only if there is no street item.

At least for Berlin there seems to be a street item for each currently existing street, also some historic streets have items. In free text there can be typos and outright errors, but when one uses the street items, such errors won't exist. @MB-one: thanks for pointing out the difference between location and postal address at Property talk:P669#P3831 as qualifier - this needs to be addressed too. Regarding the bot suggestion by Singlespeedfahrer - some conversion might be easy (e.g. street name is unique including historic names) some might be difficult (double street name, no postal code).

Restricted to the rectangle around Ortsteil Mitte and items that have coordinates and using "OPTIONAL { ?site wdt:P18 ?image }" [without that P6375 has a time out]:

  1. - P669 located on street - 1087 results
  2. - P6375 street address - 1051 results
  3. - P669 and P6375 - 287 results (includes some items that have a historic address for which no street exists, so not all are easy to convert)

Conclusion: no query on one of the two properties will show all items.

I would favor to convert free text to street items using housenumber and postal code as qualifiers. Free text is prone to errors and querying isn't secure, e.g. select all items in one street would require text parsing (including taking care of Strasse|Str.|Straße etc.) and would be quite complicated for the dozens of double street names. Also maintenance is harder when streets get renamed - how to find affected items, when the addresses are free text and miss postal code?

Before talking about details of conversion, a consensus would be needed whether the conversion should be done at all. @Pfadintegral, BerlinBerlinBerlinBerlin: maybe you are interested too.

Also, what do you all think about creating a page Wikidata:Berlin to collect usefull links and have a talk page to better coordinate the work and discuss Berlin related issues?

GeoGQL (talkcontribs)
Singlespeedfahrer (talkcontribs)

It still takes a little while until I have processed the text. My understanding is often not tbe best ;).

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