Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

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Option to manually delete auxiliary data from individual entries on MnM

Solidest (talkcontribs)

Some data on external sites contain errors that can be corrected there. But in Mix n Match auxiliary statements cannot be changed - only new ones can be added. And given that, every time the "auxiliary matcher" is run, the IDs are linked incorrectly again. This is a problem for me in a couple of dozen entries in a few catalogues already. Periodically I find that items are linked by outdated data that cannot be changed. It would be great to have something like a cross button that could remove incorrect auxiliary statements from entries on MnM.

Epìdosis (talkcontribs)

I add that this would be very useful also in my opinion.

Solidest (talkcontribs)

Oops, I forgot I had already posted this here. But I also recently added another post as a possible patch solution due to overriding the current value - if not to NULL, then at least to a space, so that the value remains but it won't be used by the matcher: Topic:Y6vre34iz07033ao

Plexci (talkcontribs)
Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

Are you all talking about individual entries, or "all inception (P571) for catalog xyz"?

Epìdosis (talkcontribs)

I think that Solidest and I are talking about individual entries.

Solidest (talkcontribs)

In my case, it would probably be even better to completely purge the property from all entries in the entire catalog. Because I usually reupload data for the entire catalog from scratch. But deleting from individual entries will probably still be used more often.

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