Topic on User talk:Nono314

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Multichill (talkcontribs)
Nono314 (talkcontribs)

Hi Multichill, this was a batch of items that had been "mishandled" originally (label using general object pattern instead of artwork one). I stayed on the safe side, fixing only items with single object. Your query lists groups with several objects but a single painting (which I may fix also, eventually), but also a lot of "conflations" ie items for several paintings together which are more difficult to entangle.

I indeed have plans to level up data for Palissy paintings (focus would be primarily on créé par (P170) and lieu (P276)) but no timeframe for that. There are tons of things to do, not only on those but also for paintings in general, so it's sometimes difficult to stay focused.

Nono314 (talkcontribs)

I have fixed an additional set of 950 labels for which the painting title could be determined quite unambiguously.

About sujet ou thème principal (P921), my understanding was that your bot would set it (as well as genre artistique (P136) art sacré (Q2864737)) based on the label, at least for the most common ones. Is it not that automated?

Update: some 300 more where a group contains both a painting and one or more sculptures but the painting title can be determined.

Multichill (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Paintings in French churches"