User:Ari T. Benchaim

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Aryeh (Ari) T. Benchaim
Senior software engineer

About me

I'm a data scientist and quant originally from Israel, currently living in Northern Virginia.

My work

I mainly edit on topics that relate to my professional expertise and life experience: maths, computer science, physics, Judaism/Rabbinical studies, Israel, 20th century history.

Contact me

My talk page

Babel user information
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
he-N משתמש זה דובר עברית כשפת אם.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
nl-2 Deze gebruiker heeft basiskennis van het Nederlands.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
ru-2 Этот участник владеет русским языком на среднем уровне.
This user has rollback rights on Wikidata. (verify)
QuickStatements logoThis user uses QuickStatements.
Users by language

Editing standards


These are the principles by which I tend to edit (edit, RfD,...) on Wikidata. They're not hard and fast rules, but they tend to be pretty solid. They're also my views, and while I think they reflect WD:N, they are not official.



In general, the first-degree relatives and the living relatives of a notable person are notable. A person being notable does not, in my view, justify having their entire ancestry detailed. See also: FAQ:Genealogy.


In general, an 'influencer' is not notable in my view unless there's corroborative evidence about them. Having any

Academic papers

In my view, academic papers are notable if they have been

  • published in peer reviewed literature, even if it's in the South Georgia Journal of 19th Century Scottish Clock Tower Engravings, or
  • published on a recognized preprint server.

As for the latter, I consider arXiv, medRxiv/bioRxiv and related spinoffs notable. I'm somewhat iffy about SSRN.

Entrepreneurs, investors etc.

In general, entrepreneurs, investors etc. are notable if and only if they are externally documented. An entrepreneur who has written extensively, or about whom it has been written extensively, might qualify as notable.

Musicians, artists etc.

Musicians, artists etc. are not notable by way of any identifier that artists can procure themselves (ISNI, Deezer, Spotify, iTunes,...).

Item descriptions

Positions vs descriptions

In general, other than senior elected office, positions are not suitable for descriptions. Thus, 'professor of engineering at Bar-Ilan University' is not a good description, 'Israeli engineer and university lecturer' is much better.


Years go first in descriptions – "2009 sculpture by John Smith" rather than "John Smith's 2019 sculpture". Exceptions are:

  • academic papers and similar: "academic paper published in 2020", not "2020 academic paper", and
  • unknown or multiple authors – "2009 book by John Smith" but "book by Smith and Jones published in 2013".

Overly long descriptions
  • I prefer short descriptions – for most people, a combination of country and profession is sufficient. Exceptions are particular events of notability. These ought to follow the country and profession: thus, "Swiss-American physicist, winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics", as opposed to "Nobel Prize winning Swiss-American physicist".

Descriptions in general
  • "Award-winning", "globally recognized" and other stuff doesn't belong in descriptions. If the award is documented, it may be mentioned in the description if it's an 'apex award': the Nobel Prize, the Fields Medal, Olympic medals, world championships etc. Otherwise, it should be under award received (P166).
  • Descriptions should follow "reverse genus-differentia": "Swiss physicist", not "physicist from Switzerland".
  • For corporations, the nationality is the state of incorporation, although where that is unclear or clearly a matter of convenience, "international" or "multinational" may be used (e.g. "multinational oil and gas company").
  • For persons, the nationality in the description may be their claimed ethnic or national identity, even if no sovereign state corresponds to it. Thus, "Jane Smith, Cree dancer and activist".

Descriptions: settlements
  • For settlements, my preferred form of description is "<type of settlement> in <administrative unit>, <country>", e.g. "village in Bavaria, Germany".
  • An exception from the above is the United States, where my preferred form is "county-state": "town in Wayne County, Michigan", not "town in Michigan, United States".

  • In rare cases, a place or a person may be known for some particular incident. This is appropriate, in my view, to put into the description if it's a "but-for" element of notability – the person would not be notable if not for this event. Thus, "Joe Smith, accountant and serial killer" (sorry, accountants!) or "Alice Smith, victim of a 2015 school shooting in Anytown, United States".
Things that don't belong in descriptions
  • Academic titles
  • Posts, job titles, positions
  • Military or other rank (thus, "American military officer" or "American naval officer" are correct, "American lieutenant commander" is not)
  • Any superlatives ("world's best this or that")
  • Full sentences ("Joe Smith is an award-winning philanthropist,...")
  • Anything biased or negative (e.g. "Joe Smith, American scumbag and philanderer" is inappropriate, although established facts may be reflected – "Joe Smith, American serial killer" is valid if Joe Smith has been convicted for a series of murders. In general, a crime should make it to the description if and only if appeals have been exhausted or leave to appeal has been denied, or the conviction has been confirmed by the court of last instance. Charges should never be in description unless it's the sole basis of notability, and even then, succeed a neutral parameter, e.g. "John Smith, American dentist suspected of double murder", not "John Smith, suspected double murderer and dentist").

How to get RfD'd


Here's the quickest path to get your entry deleted with extreme prejudice.

(this is, of course, snark)

  1. Make sure the entry is about yourself – especially if you are not particularly notable. You played guitar in your 5th grade class production, so you're a musician and actor. You've got instagram, so you're also an influencer.
  2. Fill the description with superlatives. You're 'award-winning', 'well-known' and 'globally recognized'.
  3. Make it as hard as possible to confirm why you are notable.
  4. Be sure to never fill in references.
  5. Make sure all your identifiers are items that do not connote notability (you can get a list of them here).
  6. Be sure to keep editors in the dark about why you think an item is notable. Let them puzzle it out!
  7. When you get deleted, make sure you re-create the entry over and over again. This is a fabulous way to also get banned!

Some useful SPARQL queries


This tends to be pretty full of spam, vandalism and self-promotion.

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?age WHERE {
  { ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q2906862. }
  { ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q17125263. }
  { ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q131524. }
  FILTER(NOT EXISTS { ?article schema:about ?item. })
  ?item wdt:P569 ?dob.
  BIND((YEAR(NOW())) - (YEAR(?dob)) AS ?age)
  FILTER(?age < 20 )
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!