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Chi sono / Who i am


Mi chiamo Luca Spinelli, sono nato a Carate Brianza nel 1994 e sono un SEO e webmaster di Monza.

My name is Luca Spinelli, i was born in Carate Brianza in 1994 and i'm a SEO and webmaster of Monza.

About me and why i'm here


That said i love contribute here about Bitcoin, SEO and WordPress. I really enjoy Bitcoin and others stuffs related to internet and digital so i'm everytime happy to correct, add and specify about these themes.

I'm a little new about Wikipedia and Wikipedia so if i make a mistake please feel free to contact me and explain why. I love Wiki projects and i would help it to make the web a better place (like Mr. Donald with USA).

Yeah i'm a SEO but don't be evil

I know that who works in SEO industry is not good looked in projects like Wikipedia and Wikidata but if u can trust me, like i said, i'm here to help and not to exploit or ruin. I repeat: If i make an error please write me and correct it.

Don't be evil only just 'cause i'm a SEO . SEO is someone who love optimize pages for search engines not only a "monster" that would exploit this good thing the web is in order to make profit or manipulate. I'm here with good intents.

About me and Wikidata edits of Monza

Now i'm focusing to Monza. It means that i love edit informations related to Monza and Monza e della Brianza. If u have questions about where i live (Monza and Monza e della Brianza) just send me a message so i can correctly edit your information.