User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/4873

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Terms in the UBERON namespace of the UBERON ontology for anatomical structures

Unknown external ID

External ID External label Item
0000015 anatomical boundary (Q28654050)
0000093 sulcus (Q104033818)
0000105 developmental stage (Q48834911)
0000105 fetal stage (Q49254143)
0000464 anatomical space (Q28654025)
0000466 immaterial anatomical entity (Q28654028)
0001029 neuromuscular junction (Q776995)
0001062 anatomical entity (Q27043950)
0001349 vestibule (Q398880)
0002553 anatomical cavity (Q28654015)
0006800 anatomical line (Q28654058)
0006983 anatomical point (Q28654046)
0006984 anatomical surface (Q28654048)
0010000 multicellular structure (Q27062218)
0012467 enclosed anatomical space (Q28654086)
0035085 anatomical plane (Q17012331)
0036143 meningeal branch of mandibular nerve (Q6817077)
0036144 incisive duct (Q28654081)
0036172 palmaris brevis muscle (Q955788)
0036173 abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand (Q659744)
0036174 flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand (Q238607)
0036176 opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand (Q1064676)
0036212 incisura anterior auris (Q16257148)
0036216 tympanic nerve (Q1127928)
0036246 incudostapedial joint (Q17120946)
0036247 Incudomalleolar joint (Q6015523)
0036254 anterior nasal aperture (Q4771383)
4100121 thagomizer (Q846958)
4300194 photophore (Q546205)
6003624 adult brain (Q104055058)
6004475 sclerite (Q590175)
6007284 insect region of integument (Q96354859)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
0000004 nose nose (Q7363) human nose (Q2673594) 125526216
0000033 head head (Q23640) human head (Q3409626) 125526240
0000063 organ subunit organ subunit (Q61409197) organ segment (Q27162539) 125526267
0000082 adult mammalian kidney human kidney (Q112107043) kidney (Q9377) 125526280
0000165 mouth mouth (Q9635) human mouth (Q1370895) 125526325
0000211 ligament ligament organ (Q66513468) ligament (Q39888) 125526350
0000387 meniscus meniscus (Q846928) articular disk (Q1341063) 125526410
0000396 vallate papilla gustatory papilla (Q29551994) vallate papilla (Q29551815) 125526417
0000475 organism subdivision organism subdivision (Q113137696) cardinal body part (Q17781690) 125526473
0000642 suspensory ligament of duodenum suspensory muscle of duodenum (Q3867498) suspensory ligament of duodenum (Q1824667) 125526491
0000916 abdomen abdomen (Q9597) arthropod abdomen (Q34630) 125526500
0000948 heart heart (Q1072) human heart (Q2419844) 125526521
0000955 brain brain (Q1073) human brain (Q492038) 125526525
0000955 brain encephalon (Q75865) human brain (Q492038) 125526525
0000970 eye eye (Q7364) human eye (Q430024) 125526536
0001021 nerve nerve (Q9620) peripheral nerve (Q11519747) 125526583
0001130 vertebral column vertebral column (Q482853) human vertebral column (Q1979420) 125526675
0001137 dorsum dorsal (Q2602751) back (Q133279) 125526682
0001155 colon colon (Q5982337) rectum (Q1340255) 125526699
0001245 anus anus (Q497) human anus (Q3258546) 125526789
0001407 semispinalis thoracis semispinalis thoracis (Q2799932) semispinalis thoracis (Q15712163) 125526948
0001466 pedal digit fifth toe (Q3728927) toe (Q154425) 125527006
0001562 digastric muscle group digastric muscle (Q645694) digastric muscle group (Q30026393) 125527100
0001684 mandible mandible (Q16370) human mandible (Q5283631) 125527222
0001716 secondary palate secondary palate (Q3525903) palate (Q172605) 125527252
0002048 lung lung (Q7886) human lung (Q2640512) 125527581
0002097 skin of body skin (Q1074) human skin (Q5259911) 125527629
0002101 limb free limb (Q42349020) limb (Q190780) 125527633
0002109 pair of nares nostril (Q858590) pair of nares (Q27043935) 125527641
0002223 endolymphatic sac endolymphatic sac (Q5376355) endolymphatic sac (Q47015560) 125527752
0002355 pelvic region of trunk pelvis (Q713102) human pelvis (Q11124070) 125527878
0002372 tonsil tonsil (Q180569) thymus (Q163987) 125527895
0002416 integumental system integumentary system (Q483213) integument (Q1214385) 125527938
0002439 myenteric nerve plexus Meissner's plexus (Q739865) myenteric plexus (Q1890233) 125527960
0002529 limb segment lower limb segment (Q62394159) limb segment (Q41813460) 125528048
0003129 skull human skull (Q9604) skull (Q13147) 125528605
0005813 tubercle tubercle (Q469660) tubercle of bone (Q29015039) 125530690
0006163 dorsal digital artery dorsal digital arteries of foot (Q5298777) dorsal digital arteries (Q3328760) 125530908
0006330 anterior lingual gland anterior lingual gland (Q4771366) lingual gland (Q29555580) 125531044
0006672 incisive canal mandibular incisive canal (Q17118980) incisive canal (Q1032735) 125531249
0006798 efferent nerve motor nerve (Q2422765) motor neuron (Q1133903) 125531330
0006822 proximal epiphysis of ulna upper extremity of ulna (Q6641174) head of ulna (Q3331820) 125531346
0006838 ventral ramus of spinal nerve anterior ramus of spinal nerve (Q4771388) intercostal nerve (Q27058076) 125531355
0007657 anular ligament of radius anular ligament of radius (Q4777779) arm bone (Q28828068) 125531734
0008266 periodontal ligament periodontal fiber (Q540092) tooth supporting structure (Q143652) 125531882
0010249 posterior meningeal artery ascending pharyngeal artery (Q486797) posterior meningeal artery (Q485130) 125532729
0012078 fovea capitis of femur fovea for ligament of head of femur (Q51876624) linea aspera (Q3240164) 125533656
0022246 superior longitudinal fasciculus superior longitudinal fasciculus (Q653741) arcuate fasciculus (Q615697) 125535614

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
muscle (Q7365) 125526577 0001015 musculature
125527168 0001630 muscle organ
kidney (Q9377) 125526280 0000082 adult mammalian kidney
125527645 0002113 kidney
circulatory system (Q11068) 125526572 0001009 circulatory system
125529699 0004535 cardiovascular system
capillary (Q103142) 125527516 0001982 capillary
125537973 2005259 continuous capillary
ventricular system (Q105402) 125529319 0004086 brain ventricle
125530295 0005282 ventricular system of brain
leg (Q133105) 125526543 0000978 leg
125527635 0002103 hindlimb
tooth supporting structure (Q143652) 125527294 0001758 periodontium
125531882 0008266 periodontal ligament
thymus (Q163987) 125527893 0002370 thymus
125527895 0002372 tonsil
pharynx (Q174778) 125526594 0001042 chordate pharynx
125531163 0006562 pharynx
anterior commissure (Q203800) 125526513 0000935 anterior commissure
125528197 0002694 anterior hypothalamic commissure
meninges (Q268930) 125527883 0002360 meninx
125532997 0010743 meningeal cluster
glossopharyngeal nerve (Q334143) 125527187 0001649 glossopharyngeal nerve
125530865 0006090 glossopharyngeal nerve fiber bundle
cochlear nuclei (Q387776) 125527256 0001720 cochlear nucleus
125528121 0002610 cochlear nuclear complex
hyponychium (Q429081) 125527812 0002284 hyponychium
125531318 0006785 gray matter layer of superior colliculus
basal ganglia (Q464210) 125527942 0002420 basal ganglion
125532569 0010011 collection of basal ganglia
celiac artery (Q519368) 125527178 0001640 celiac artery
125531214 0006637 celiac trunk
arcuate fasciculus (Q615697) 125535614 0022246 superior longitudinal fasciculus
125536529 0035937 arcuate fasciculus
transverse arytenoid muscle (Q717887) 125531978 0008574 transverse arytenoid
125533100 0010958 arytenoid muscle
canal of the cervix (Q785307) 125526460 0000458 endocervix
125534269 0013761 cervical cavity
basal lamina (Q809756) 125526480 0000482 basal lamina of epithelium
125529204 0003957 Bruch's membrane
ovarian follicle (Q953556) 125526243 0000037 tertiary ovarian follicle
125526849 0001305 ovarian follicle
subcutaneous tissue (Q1164665) 125527605 0002072 hypodermis
125533513 0011818 superficial fascia
integument (Q1214385) 125527729 0002199 integument
125527938 0002416 integumental system
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (Q1397363) 125528287 0002793 dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of pons
125528523 0003045 dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
medial longitudinal fasciculus (Q1397367) 125527836 0002309 medial longitudinal fasciculus
125528251 0002750 medial longitudinal fasciculus of medulla
shoulder joint (Q1758798) 125527010 0001470 glenohumeral joint
125535108 0016884 shoulder joint
submucosa (Q1760245) 125526220 0000009 submucosa
125530015 0004925 submucosa of laryngopharynx
cingulate gyrus (Q1892702) 125528454 0002967 cingulate gyrus
125528508 0003027 cingulate cortex
middle phalanx (Q1906616) 125529130 0003864 middle phalanx of manus
125529494 0004301 middle phalanx
nail matrix (Q1963532) 125527811 0002283 nail matrix
125534937 0015886 root of nail
facial motor nucleus (Q2004197) 125526307 0000127 facial nucleus
125528494 0003011 facial motor nucleus
nuchal line (Q2275919) 125534580 0014802 highest nuchal line attachment site
125534581 0014803 superior nuchal line attachment site
125534582 0014804 median nuchal line attachment site
conus arteriosus (Q2307505) 125529229 0003983 conus arteriosus
125530771 0005953 outflow part of right ventricle
cerebral sulcus (Q2560248) 125531911 0008334 subarachnoid sulcus
125533927 0013118 sulcus of brain
manubrium (Q2719344) 125527735 0002205 manubrium of sternum
125537312 2001553 manubrium
proximal phalanx (Q3323810) 125527763 0002234 proximal phalanx of manus
125529495 0004302 proximal phalanx
chondrocranium (Q5104519) 125527770 0002241 chondrocranium
125529876 0004761 cartilaginous neurocranium
gubernaculum (Q5614448) 125529529 0004346 gubernaculum (male or female)
125532072 0008844 gubernaculum (female)
inferior olivary nucleus (Q5620438) 125527657 0002127 inferior olivary complex
125531555 0007244 inferior olivary nucleus
paracentral sulcus (Q5976158) 125528083 0002569 transverse temporal sulcus
125528109 0002598 paracentral sulcus
medullary laminae of thalamus (Q6807324) 125528229 0002727 medial medullary lamina of globus pallidus
125528265 0002765 lateral medullary lamina of globus pallidus
superior cerebellar peduncle (Q7643594) 125527680 0002150 superior cerebellar peduncle
125531751 0007709 superior cerebellar peduncle of pons
kidney tubule (Q11465565) 125526775 0001231 nephron tubule
125532461 0009773 renal tubule
respiratory tract (Q13400765) 125526269 0000065 respiratory tract
125526569 0001005 respiratory airway
buccal gland (Q29555471) 125533668 0012102 buccal salivary gland
125535198 0017654 buccal gland
lingual gland (Q29555580) 125528782 0003409 gland of tongue
125531044 0006330 anterior lingual gland

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
0000004 nose (Q7363)
human nose (Q2673594)
0000033 head (Q23640)
human head (Q3409626)
0000063 organ segment (Q27162539)
organ subunit (Q61409197)
0000105 developmental stage (Q48834911)
fetal stage (Q49254143)
0000165 mouth (Q9635)
human mouth (Q1370895)
0000211 ligament (Q39888)
ligament organ (Q66513468)
0000387 meniscus (Q846928)
articular disk (Q1341063)
0000396 vallate papilla (Q29551815)
gustatory papilla (Q29551994)
0000642 suspensory ligament of duodenum (Q1824667)
suspensory muscle of duodenum (Q3867498)
0000916 abdomen (Q9597)
arthropod abdomen (Q34630)
0000948 heart (Q1072)
human heart (Q2419844)
0000955 brain (Q1073)
encephalon (Q75865)
human brain (Q492038)
0000970 eye (Q7364)
human eye (Q430024)
0001021 nerve (Q9620)
peripheral nerve (Q11519747)
0001130 vertebral column (Q482853)
human vertebral column (Q1979420)
0001137 back (Q133279)
dorsal (Q2602751)
0001155 rectum (Q1340255)
colon (Q5982337)
0001245 anus (Q497)
human anus (Q3258546)
0001407 semispinalis thoracis (Q2799932)
semispinalis thoracis (Q15712163)
0001466 toe (Q154425)
fifth toe (Q3728927)
0001562 digastric muscle (Q645694)
digastric muscle group (Q30026393)
0001684 mandible (Q16370)
human mandible (Q5283631)
0001716 palate (Q172605)
secondary palate (Q3525903)
0002048 lung (Q7886)
human lung (Q2640512)
0002097 skin (Q1074)
human skin (Q5259911)
0002101 limb (Q190780)
free limb (Q42349020)
0002109 nostril (Q858590)
pair of nares (Q27043935)
0002223 endolymphatic sac (Q5376355)
endolymphatic sac (Q47015560)
0002355 pelvis (Q713102)
human pelvis (Q11124070)
0002416 integumentary system (Q483213)
integument (Q1214385)
0002439 Meissner's plexus (Q739865)
myenteric plexus (Q1890233)
0002529 limb segment (Q41813460)
lower limb segment (Q62394159)
0003129 human skull (Q9604)
skull (Q13147)
0006163 dorsal digital arteries (Q3328760)
dorsal digital arteries of foot (Q5298777)
0006330 anterior lingual gland (Q4771366)
lingual gland (Q29555580)
0006672 incisive canal (Q1032735)
mandibular incisive canal (Q17118980)
0006798 motor neuron (Q1133903)
motor nerve (Q2422765)
0006822 head of ulna (Q3331820)
upper extremity of ulna (Q6641174)
0006838 anterior ramus of spinal nerve (Q4771388)
intercostal nerve (Q27058076)
0007657 anular ligament of radius (Q4777779)
arm bone (Q28828068)
0008266 tooth supporting structure (Q143652)
periodontal fiber (Q540092)
0010249 posterior meningeal artery (Q485130)
ascending pharyngeal artery (Q486797)
0012078 linea aspera (Q3240164)
fovea for ligament of head of femur (Q51876624)
0022246 arcuate fasciculus (Q615697)
superior longitudinal fasciculus (Q653741)