User:Mcarondiotte/Lists of Monarchs

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Monarchs of the UK, from Wessex to today[edit]

# list of monarchs from the kingdom of Wessex to the UK
SELECT DISTINCT ?human ?humanLabel ?sexLabel ?title ?titleLabel ?father ?fatherLabel ?mother ?motherLabel ?fam ?famLabel ?dob ?pobLabel ?dod ?podLabel ?geni WHERE
  VALUES ?title {wd:Q21715287 wd:Q18810062 wd:Q110324075 wd:Q111722535 wd:Q9134365}
  ?human wdt:P39 ?title .
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P21 ?sex .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P22 ?father .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P25 ?mother .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P53 ?fam .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P569 ?dob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P19 ?pob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P570 ?dod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P20 ?pod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P2600 ?geni .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!

Emperors of Japan[edit]

# list of Japanese Emperors
SELECT DISTINCT ?human ?humanLabel ?sexLabel ?title ?titleLabel ?father ?fatherLabel ?mother ?motherLabel ?fam ?famLabel ?dob ?pobLabel ?dod ?podLabel ?geni WHERE
  VALUES ?title {wd:Q208233}
  ?human wdt:P39 ?title .
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P21 ?sex .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P22 ?father .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P25 ?mother .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P53 ?fam .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P569 ?dob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P19 ?pob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P570 ?dod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P20 ?pod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P2600 ?geni .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!

Emperors of China[edit]

# list of Chinese Emperors
#title:Emperors of China (221 BCE - 1912 CE)
SELECT DISTINCT ?human ?humanLabel ?sexLabel ?title ?titleLabel ?father ?fatherLabel ?mother ?motherLabel ?fam ?famLabel ?dob ?pobLabel ?dod ?podLabel ?geni WHERE
  VALUES ?title {wd:Q268218}
  ?human wdt:P39 ?title .
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P21 ?sex .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P22 ?father .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P25 ?mother .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P53 ?fam .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P569 ?dob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P19 ?pob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P570 ?dod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P20 ?pod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P2600 ?geni .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Emperors of China (221 BCE - 1912 CE)

Tsars and Emperors of Russia[edit]

# list of Russian Tsars and Emperors
SELECT DISTINCT ?human ?humanLabel ?sexLabel ?title ?titleLabel ?father ?fatherLabel ?mother ?motherLabel ?fam ?famLabel ?dob ?pobLabel ?dod ?podLabel ?geni WHERE
  VALUES ?title {wd:Q12370489 wd:Q2618625}
  ?human wdt:P39 ?title .
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P21 ?sex .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P22 ?father .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P25 ?mother .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P53 ?fam .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P569 ?dob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P19 ?pob .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P570 ?dod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P20 ?pod .}
  OPTIONAL{?human wdt:P2600 ?geni .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!