User:Mcarondiotte/My Academic Family Tree

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Building my Academic Family Tree[edit]

In this project, I try to build my academic family tree, starting from myself and my advisor. For each researcher I find, I will try to find all their affiliations and students. I will also try to create a Wikidata item for their master's thesis and doctoral dissertation.

Data Models[edit]

SPARQL Requests[edit]

Retrieve Data for Each Researcher by Climbing the Advisor/Student Relations[edit]

SELECT ?advisor ?advisorLabel ?student ?studentLabel ?employer ?employerLabel WHERE {
  wd:Q85622969 wdt:P184+ ?advisor .
  ?advisor wdt:P185 ?student .
  OPTIONAL { ?advisor wdt:P108 ?employer }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
Try it!

Tree Visualization[edit]

SELECT ?advisor ?advisorLabel ?student ?studentLabel WHERE {
  wd:Q85622969 wdt:P184+ ?advisor .
  ?advisor wdt:P185 ?student .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
Try it!

We can also visualize the tree a little bit more nicely with Entitree. However, to have the full tree, we need to start by the oldest advisor and select the doctoral student (P185) property (or else, we have only one direct line).

My academic family tree on Entitree


To locate the researchers that are part of our academic family tree, their advisor, affiliation, thesis and scolarity information, we can use the following resources: