User:PKM/Textiles/Museum textile samples

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Master list of items that are <instances of> textile sample (Q17126091).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31* wd:Q17126091 . }
image label description item instance of collection made from material fabrication method
Appliqué inv. 848 bobbin lace appliqué in the Arenys de Mar Museum Q26756687 bobbin lace
textile sample
Arenys de Mar Museum linen
bobbin lace
Malmaison cotton textile by Fortuny Q20192164 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art cotton fabric
Poisson by Picasso, a Modern Masterpiece painted cotton textile by D.B. Fuller & Co Q20192173 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pomegranate (Melagrano) textile sample textile artwork by Countess Elsie Lee Gozzi Q20192539 textile artwork
textile sample
Metropolitan Museum of Art cotton fabric
Sample textile artwork by William Wiesner Q20199394 textile artwork
textile sample
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile painting
Terrain printed fabric by George Nelson Q20193521 textile artwork
printed fabric
textile sample
Metropolitan Museum of Art cotton fabric textile printing
Textile sample printed fabric by Unknown Designer (MET, 1984.537.107) Q20193455 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk product textile printing
Textile sample printed fabric by unknown designer (MET, 1984.537.108) Q20193462 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample printed textile by unknown designer (MET, 1984.537.88) Q20193578 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art
Textile sample printed textile by unknown designer (MET, 1984.537.89) Q20193585 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample printed textile by Josef Hoffmann (MET, 1984.537.94) Q20193616 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample printed textile by Josef Hoffmann (MET, 1984.537.90) Q20193624 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample printed textile by Josef Hoffmann (MET, 1984.537.98) Q20193708 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample painted textile by unknown designer (MET, 23.40.4) Q20194258 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile painting
Textile sample printed textile by Paul Poiret Q20198792 textile sample
printed fabric
Metropolitan Museum of Art silk textile printing
Textile sample printed textile by Paul Poiret (MET, 23.14.9) Q20198923 textile sample Metropolitan Museum of Art linen textile printing
textile sample small sample piece of material Q17126091
End of automatically generated list.