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Merge candidates in astwiki and cawiki based on same sitelink name.

Found 248 merge candiates, excluding 146 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 102 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-05-19 20:23 (UTC)

Merge candidates[edit]

  1. Q107536339 (ast:Adelante Andalucía) and Q55392186 (ca:Adelante Andalucía)
  2. Q909928 (ast:Alta Carniola) and Q659845 (ca:Alta Carniola)
  3. Q1059798 (ast:Bao) and Q113954189 (ca:Bao)
  4. Q855426 (ast:Biblis) and Q14841763 (ca:Biblis)
  5. Q17588230 (ast:Bonavista) and Q125934446 (ca:Bonavista)
  6. Q100774936 (ast:Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) and Q25922646 (ca:Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
  7. Q910293 (ast:Bres) and Q56611683 (ca:Bres)
  8. Q256709 (ast:Brez) and Q125759348 (ca:Brez)
  9. Q4836792 (ast:Build) and Q1003003 (ca:Build)
  10. Q743716 (ast:Campos) and Q99545711 (ca:Campos)
  11. Q21092604 (ast:Casal) and Q115250271 (ca:Casal)
  12. Q1012326 (ast:Cela) and Q86326392 (ca:Cela)
  13. Q397436 (ast:Celada) and Q121913576 (ca:Celada)
  14. Q212098 (ast:Closer) and Q756930 (ca:Closer)
  15. Q28127283 (ast:Coca-Cola Zero) and Q937783 (ca:Coca-Cola Zero)
  16. Q152523 (ast:Collera) and Q5147046 (ca:Collera)
  17. Q42344 (ast:Con) and Q110164566 (ca:Con)
  18. Q770309 (ast:Cúa) and Q125759344 (ca:Cúa)
  19. Q3049731 (ast:El Barrio) and Q125705928 (ca:El Barrio)
  20. Q1446886 (ast:El Norte) and Q125622432 (ca:El Norte)
  21. Q21088397 (ast:El Pato) and Q114050974 (ca:El Pato)
  22. Q1902350 (ast:El Peral) and Q122028141 (ca:El Peral)
  23. Q123155845 (ast:El Saltador) and Q12164310 (ca:El Saltador)
  24. Q40013900 (ast:El Salto) and Q105369994 (ca:El Salto)
  25. Q3722877 (ast:Elfrida) and Q2746341 (ca:Elfrida)
  26. Q2683647 (ast:Ende) and Q25931701 (ca:Ende)
  27. Q3359923 (ast:Enispa) and Q18641718 (ca:Enispa)
  28. Q137537 (ast:Entorrhizomycota) and Q28052236 (ca:Entorrhizomycota)
  29. Q3314305 (ast:Euclea) and Q777327 (ca:Euclea)
  30. Q672409 (ast:Eve) and Q239464 (ca:Eve)
  31. Q2241601 (ast:Faces) and Q113948870 (ca:Faces)
  32. Q10626527 (ast:Fanes) and Q113674875 (ca:Fanes)
  33. Q453783 (ast:Ferrera) and Q117157116 (ca:Ferrera)
  34. Q17604937 (ast:Fontalba) and Q125924120 (ca:Fontalba)
  35. Q3747925 (ast:Forca) and Q9004752 (ca:Forca)
  36. Q228084 (ast:Fresno) and Q125564320 (ca:Fresno)
  37. Q8139731 (ast:G-Man) and Q1484051 (ca:G-Man)
  38. Q1483126 (ast:Garçonne) and Q91614912 (ca:Garçonne)
  39. Q180855 (ast:Heineken) and Q854383 (ca:Heineken)
  40. Q3698 (ast:Heros) and Q113954193 (ca:Heros)
  41. Q950354 (ast:Jitterbug) and Q123704 (ca:Jitterbug)
  42. Q492604 (ast:Jumpin' Jack Flash) and Q1477141 (ca:Jumpin' Jack Flash)
  43. Q6373621 (ast:Karukh) and Q9017266 (ca:Karukh)
  44. Q649178 (ast:LAN Airlines) and Q40932024 (ca:LAN Airlines)
  45. Q187638 (ast:La Barda) and Q13147330 (ca:La Barda)
  46. Q11752420 (ast:La Cabana) and Q125620791 (ca:La Cabana)
  47. Q17616101 (ast:La Cava) and Q125620803 (ca:La Cava)
  48. Q164133 (ast:La Cuba) and Q118156634 (ca:La Cuba)
  49. Q11930478 (ast:La Fenosa) and Q125749795 (ca:La Fenosa)
  50. Q1645049 (ast:La Grande) and Q125600765 (ca:La Grande)
  51. Q5964240 (ast:La Marea) and Q119165105 (ca:La Marea)
  52. Q11930584 (ast:La Marina) and Q118156703 (ca:La Marina)
  53. Q17616240 (ast:La Matosa) and Q119198799 (ca:La Matosa)
  54. Q22075031 (ast:La Molina) and Q114051022 (ca:La Molina)
  55. Q1902672 (ast:La Pesquera) and Q113653205 (ca:La Pesquera)
  56. Q11930732 (ast:La Residencia) and Q13147399 (ca:La Residencia)
  57. Q124638384 (ast:La Seca) and Q9018945 (ca:La Seca)
  58. Q1088648 (ast:La Trapa) and Q124672080 (ca:La Trapa)
  59. Q2452253 (ast:Las Villas) and Q117107574 (ca:Las Villas)
  60. Q111029 (ast:Lexema) and Q111352 (ca:Lexema)
  61. Q63821252 (ast:Liberté) and Q747890 (ca:Liberté)
  62. Q1642579 (ast:Maghrawa) and Q14060205 (ca:Maghrawa)
  63. Q1096921 (ast:Mantissa) and Q5991956 (ca:Mantissa)
  64. Q2668778 (ast:Marissa) and Q2652609 (ca:Marissa)
  65. Q696265 (ast:Mosquitera) and Q124749427 (ca:Mosquitera)
  66. Q120424 (ast:Myroxylon pereirae) and Q2412565 (ca:Myroxylon pereirae)
  67. Q932761 (ast:Nera) and Q125924528 (ca:Nera)
  68. Q609648 (ast:Neto) and Q6041203 (ca:Neto)
  69. Q977966 (ast:Nieva) and Q123340262 (ca:Nieva)
  70. Q990862 (ast:Panera) and Q3769238 (ca:Panera)
  71. Q6067073 (ast:Patín) and Q18247353 (ca:Patín)
  72. Q1946012 (ast:Pedostibes maculatus) and Q27973883 (ca:Pedostibes maculatus)
  73. Q377119 (ast:Pende) and Q113653750 (ca:Pende)
  74. Q1055740 (ast:Perea) and Q13147872 (ca:Perea)
  75. Q295209 (ast:Pica) and Q113950325 (ca:Pica)
  76. Q2041837 (ast:Piles) and Q112613492 (ca:Piles)
  77. Q860263 (ast:Pis) and Q121811120 (ca:Pis)
  78. Q28057401 (ast:Platymantis cheesmanae) and Q2720379 (ca:Platymantis cheesmanae)
  79. Q243168 (ast:Poli) and Q105132769 (ca:Poli)
  80. Q217423 (ast:Quake) and Q902784 (ca:Quake)
  81. Q9065393 (ast:Quintes) and Q121913035 (ca:Quintes)
  82. Q12398425 (ast:Quintá) and Q105133272 (ca:Quintá)
  83. Q3312577 (ast:Raza) and Q918036 (ca:Raza)
  84. Q20859854 (ast:Rodella) and Q6110413 (ca:Rodella)
  85. Q4048599 (ast:Runit) and Q20795448 (ca:Runit)
  86. Q1993759 (ast:Salines) and Q117157243 (ca:Salines)
  87. Q193944 (ast:Sangha) and Q775410 (ca:Sangha)
  88. Q191141 (ast:Seta) and Q65297054 (ca:Seta)
  89. Q1118802 (ast:Slinky) and Q10749497 (ca:Slinky)
  90. Q180228 (ast:Smallville) and Q2366408 (ca:Smallville)
  91. Q7555723 (ast:Solanos) and Q125923891 (ca:Solanos)
  92. Q2538840 (ast:Solvay) and Q110164351 (ca:Solvay)
  93. Q117395 (ast:Supino) and Q548470 (ca:Supino)
  94. Q11765 (ast:Taxa) and Q7676754 (ca:Taxa)
  95. Q2043182 (ast:The Resident) and Q30314867 (ca:The Resident)
  96. Q1016191 (ast:Tol) and Q114091640 (ca:Tol)
  97. Q2913982 (ast:Trap) and Q7835547 (ca:Trap)
  98. Q7855592 (ast:Turlough) and Q204294 (ca:Turlough)
  99. Q331405 (ast:Vii) and Q1206706 (ca:Vii)
  100. Q203767 (ast:Vis) and Q89281652 (ca:Vis)
  101. Q4017054 (ast:WRC 2) and Q2954081 (ca:WRC 2)
  102. Q46910 (ast:Xin) and Q122061496 (ca:Xin)