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Merge candidates in skwiki and ptwiki based on same sitelink name.

Found 357 merge candiates, excluding 253 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 104 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-05-12 01:46 (UTC)

Merge candidates[edit]

  1. Q357077 (sk:Adiemus) and Q106417205 (pt:Adiemus)
  2. Q18511041 (sk:Anchiornis) and Q131235 (pt:Anchiornis)
  3. Q235887 (sk:Ashley) and Q121259614 (pt:Ashley)
  4. Q546009 (sk:Auditorium Building) and Q123245876 (pt:Auditorium Building)
  5. Q590467 (sk:Baal) and Q112827492 (pt:Baal)
  6. Q239623 (sk:Bailey) and Q121259616 (pt:Bailey)
  7. Q2416043 (sk:Bija) and Q859934 (pt:Bija)
  8. Q3640481 (sk:Bita) and Q111780099 (pt:Bita)
  9. Q253213 (sk:Blato) and Q1172703 (pt:Blato)
  10. Q9635 (sk:Boca) and Q9174889 (pt:Boca)
  11. Q57244794 (sk:Boy Wonder) and Q11238644 (pt:Boy Wonder)
  12. Q4035403 (sk:Breath) and Q121259646 (pt:Breath)
  13. Q1178409 (sk:Bryophyta) and Q105736391 (pt:Bryophyta)
  14. Q1575020 (sk:Bunardžik) and Q12274023 (pt:Bunardžik)
  15. Q648828 (sk:CAC 40) and Q2998515 (pt:CAC 40)
  16. Q22112102 (sk:Calea zacatechichi) and Q124221763 (pt:Calea zacatechichi)
  17. Q84440433 (sk:Calm) and Q29789717 (pt:Calm)
  18. Q1999201 (sk:Cando) and Q2530701 (pt:Cando)
  19. Q6373591 (sk:Caru) and Q826420 (pt:Caru)
  20. Q20447849 (sk:Chingo) and Q1809388 (pt:Chingo)
  21. Q1141318 (sk:Citroën C4 Picasso) and Q113147169 (pt:Citroën C4 Picasso)
  22. Q5188902 (sk:Crosswinds) and Q4177492 (pt:Crosswinds)
  23. Q3521113 (sk:Daily Graphic) and Q4175261 (pt:Daily Graphic)
  24. Q10266056 (sk:Diapason) and Q3026307 (pt:Diapason)
  25. Q2881308 (sk:Dila) and Q6064721 (pt:Dila)
  26. Q5306157 (sk:Dračevica) and Q2055673 (pt:Dračevica)
  27. Q3046032 (sk:ENTJ) and Q121259696 (pt:ENTJ)
  28. Q10281061 (sk:Femina) and Q121259730 (pt:Femina)
  29. Q5457713 (sk:Flat) and Q251564 (pt:Flat)
  30. Q112744890 (sk:Fonografia) and Q123859467 (pt:Fonografia)
  31. Q273871 (sk:Gregória) and Q114959216 (pt:Gregória)
  32. Q9282236 (sk:Grzegórzki) and Q3488794 (pt:Grzegórzki)
  33. Q1247373 (sk:Harrow School) and Q116493846 (pt:Harrow School)
  34. Q230871 (sk:Harvey) and Q121259785 (pt:Harvey)
  35. Q21446484 (sk:Hyneria) and Q132969 (pt:Hyneria)
  36. Q2602819 (sk:INTJ) and Q121259822 (pt:INTJ)
  37. Q1500207 (sk:Janaka) and Q11632597 (pt:Janaka)
  38. Q3135656 (sk:Jankovec) and Q115620128 (pt:Jankovec)
  39. Q1700207 (sk:John Gibson) and Q2739452 (pt:John Gibson)
  40. Q92838779 (sk:Kids) and Q341297 (pt:Kids)
  41. Q10314355 (sk:Killing Time) and Q6407767 (pt:Killing Time)
  42. Q928023 (sk:Korban) and Q31554859 (pt:Korban)
  43. Q14475 (sk:Laja) and Q12770148 (pt:Laja)
  44. Q2082120 (sk:Lakeside Park) and Q6479135 (pt:Lakeside Park)
  45. Q113628577 (sk:Leksands IF) and Q1473131 (pt:Leksands IF)
  46. Q1129624 (sk:Leviathan) and Q64285918 (pt:Leviathan)
  47. Q399130 (sk:Live in London) and Q112151722 (pt:Live in London)
  48. Q1753055 (sk:Love Buzz) and Q28845718 (pt:Love Buzz)
  49. Q6690864 (sk:Love Island) and Q111128355 (pt:Love Island)
  50. Q498696 (sk:László Kovács) and Q47514037 (pt:László Kovács)
  51. Q118426811 (sk:Makoto) and Q3242181 (pt:Makoto)
  52. Q113628741 (sk:Malmö Redhawks) and Q377374 (pt:Malmö Redhawks)
  53. Q77553 (sk:Martin Wagner) and Q12771164 (pt:Martin Wagner)
  54. Q15894 (sk:Medvode) and Q2094435 (pt:Medvode)
  55. Q113517214 (sk:Modo Hockey) and Q1163263 (pt:Modo Hockey)
  56. Q917046 (sk:Moonshine) and Q101421272 (pt:Moonshine)
  57. Q1044044 (sk:NGC 1568) and Q1044041 (pt:NGC 1568)
  58. Q10335064 (sk:NGC 7475) and Q1167684 (pt:NGC 7475)
  59. Q97378467 (sk:Narol) and Q2439514 (pt:Narol)
  60. Q858082 (sk:National League) and Q688866 (pt:National League)
  61. Q3131210 (sk:Natura) and Q13537412 (pt:Natura)
  62. Q946280 (sk:Nava) and Q12772336 (pt:Nava)
  63. Q120487775 (sk:No Return) and Q15870529 (pt:No Return)
  64. Q10340455 (sk:Okrasa) and Q12772960 (pt:Okrasa)
  65. Q1091875 (sk:Optima) and Q50737362 (pt:Optima)
  66. Q1180766 (sk:Pista) and Q76818332 (pt:Pista)
  67. Q349746 (sk:RTC) and Q109061806 (pt:RTC)
  68. Q10357003 (sk:Rael) and Q1190688 (pt:Rael)
  69. Q10359217 (sk:Remonta) and Q2143098 (pt:Remonta)
  70. Q406559 (sk:Ren) and Q107063114 (pt:Ren)
  71. Q85876973 (sk:Robert Adams) and Q135099 (pt:Robert Adams)
  72. Q124062018 (sk:Rock Paper Scissors) and Q12775359 (pt:Rock Paper Scissors)
  73. Q2024605 (sk:Romantica) and Q121260227 (pt:Romantica)
  74. Q113627958 (sk:Rögle BK) and Q1466477 (pt:Rögle BK)
  75. Q10366551 (sk:SMD) and Q12740266 (pt:SMD)
  76. Q176225 (sk:Saulx) and Q111867860 (pt:Saulx)
  77. Q7428973 (sk:Say It Loud) and Q111780154 (pt:Say It Loud)
  78. Q7440599 (sk:Seal the Deal) and Q62667412 (pt:Seal the Deal)
  79. Q55753969 (sk:Setting Sun) and Q2277070 (pt:Setting Sun)
  80. Q920424 (sk:Shrek!) and Q114959340 (pt:Shrek!)
  81. Q10669981 (sk:Skellefteå AIK) and Q1422750 (pt:Skellefteå AIK)
  82. Q29927 (sk:Slagelse) and Q3414556 (pt:Slagelse)
  83. Q251288 (sk:Springer) and Q114389805 (pt:Springer)
  84. Q3968358 (sk:Starfish) and Q3485384 (pt:Starfish)
  85. Q2349459 (sk:Stigma) and Q218300 (pt:Stigma)
  86. Q281892 (sk:Stingray) and Q2302598 (pt:Stingray)
  87. Q106606563 (sk:Streamline) and Q6421350 (pt:Streamline)
  88. Q3282467 (sk:Swoon) and Q4050470 (pt:Swoon)
  89. Q10377415 (sk:TV Nova) and Q605419 (pt:TV Nova)
  90. Q10377753 (sk:Tac) and Q106555573 (pt:Tac)
  91. Q3514275 (sk:Take You Higher) and Q17040951 (pt:Take You Higher)
  92. Q614004 (sk:Thalassarche) and Q117709961 (pt:Thalassarche)
  93. Q7732677 (sk:The Everlasting) and Q67032910 (pt:The Everlasting)
  94. Q589616 (sk:Tica) and Q85421816 (pt:Tica)
  95. Q105820680 (sk:Todd White) and Q926720 (pt:Todd White)
  96. Q2063438 (sk:Vata) and Q844770 (pt:Vata)
  97. Q210468 (sk:Vegas) and Q942661 (pt:Vegas)
  98. Q936076 (sk:W Virginis) and Q966427 (pt:W Virginis)
  99. Q7993059 (sk:When the Wind Blows) and Q4019412 (pt:When the Wind Blows)
  100. Q5829664 (sk:Wikipédia:GNU Free Documentation License) and Q14360537 (pt:Wikipédia:GNU Free Documentation License)
  101. Q3568415 (sk:William Barclay) and Q2914931 (pt:William Barclay)
  102. Q3105307 (sk:Zlatokop) and Q19691902 (pt:Zlatokop)
  103. Q113628732 (sk:Örebro HK) and Q297691 (pt:Örebro HK)
  104. Q30964038 (sk:Čiara) and Q1228250 (pt:Čiara)