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My name is Pierre Mesure, I was born near Paris in 1993 and I lived there most of my life. After a few months in Norway and the UK and graduating in Nantes (France), I moved to Stockholm (Sweden) where I live since November 2016.

I am currently working in the civic tech ecosystem, both with citizen participation and government transparency and accountability. You can find me on Twitter and Github.

I work at Digidem Lab on helping Swedish cities to give their citizens a bigger influence in public decisions and I co-founded Civic Tech Sweden to gather a community of civic hackers interested in working on similar issues. Some of the projects we work on involve opening up the Swedish legislation system, public procurement and budgets, tracking lobbying and more broadly advocating for a more proactive Swedish government regarding opengovernment practices.

On Wikipedia, I am mostly adding Swedish political data that we use in our various projects. This includes data about representatives (MPs), public organisations (myndigheter, kommuner) or interest organisations.