User:Push-f/invoked with & invocation returns

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invoked with[edit]

   Under discussion


Instances of subroutine (Q190686), command (Q1079196) and command-line tool (Q115214659) often need to be invoked with specific inputs and often their invocation returns a specific output. Currently we do not have a fitting property to express these relations.

We do have input device (P479) and output device (P5196) but these denote something very different, e.g.

input device (P479) and output device (P5196) are used to denote supported hardware. It certainly would not make sense to broaden their scope to denote the inputs and outputs of functions and function-like software, because there is a big difference between using a device to continuously provide input / receive output and providing input once upon invocation and receiving output once after invocation.

Note that there also are the existing properties readable file format (P1072) and writable file format (P1073) but they again denote something different:

This is obviously more powerful than readable file format (P1072) and writable file format (P1073) because we could e.g. express:

which is clearly more informative than xmllint (Q115215396)readable file format (P1072)Extensible Markup Language (Q2115) & Document Type Definition (Q212327) & XML Schema (Q16342).

We could even broaden the scope of has command line option (P4837) to allow using it as a qualifier:

This proposal replaces a previous proposal of mine, which has been rightfully rejected because "input" and "output" are too vague as labels: this proposal hopes to remedy that and also better describes the differences of the proposed properties to the existing properties.

--Push-f (talk) 08:47, 15 November 2022 (UTC)


This proposal is not yet ready for voting but you are more than welcome to discuss it at Wikidata talk:WikiProject Informatics#Modelling the input & output of functions and function-like software.

--Push-f (talk) 09:17, 15 November 2022 (UTC)

invocation returns[edit]

See #invoked with for the motivation and discussion.