User:Riley AJ

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Any feedback is welcome. I don't bite.

I'm currently interested in adding data to schools, libraries, courts, and other local government entities and mapping the relationship between them like school districts to schools and the hierarchy of judicial courts.

I'm a contributor to the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project under the name AJ Riley, mapping areas local to me that I'm familiar with and Arizona in general. I'm aware of the licensing difference between the two projects and any data I add here comes from my own research elsewhere or data that I myself have added to OSM.

OSM is great for mapping the physical world, allowing you to map every building, every bench, and even every tree. Data that would be would be irrelevant for Wikidata or Wikipedia. However it's tagging system is lacking for non-physical properties. It's even questionable if such non-physical properties should even be a part of the OSM project. But now with the people adding wikidata: tags to the map, it feels like the Wikidata is much better suited for this kind of data and with it's liberal license, Wikidata is a perfect match for data consumers to use with OpenStreetMap.