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Install and run OpenRefine[edit]

OpenRefine can be downloaded as an application. It works on desktop and laptop computers with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. It runs a small server on your computer and you then use a web browser to interact with it. It works best with browsers based on Webkit, such as Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera and Microsoft Edge, and is also supported on Firefox.

OpenRefine has a graphical user interface which is available in more than 15 languages.

Install OpenRefine on your own desktop or laptop computer[edit]

You can find and download the latest stable release of OpenRefine here.

Run OpenRefine on PAWS[edit]

Since May 2021, everyone with a registered Wikimedia account can run OpenRefine in PAWS on Wikimedia's Cloud Services. Please note that this is an experimental feature which may break or malfunction. It is however an interesting option for people who can't install software on their local computer.

PAWS is a Wikimedia Cloud tool that provides hosted access to Jupyter notebooks and other tools without needing any local installation.

You can access your own installation of OpenRefine with this link: You'll have to login with your wiki credentials. It is possible that you will get an error message; if that is the case, then refresh the page and it should work.