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#title: WGTN People
SELECT DISTINCT ?academic ?academicLabel ?academicDescription ?academicAltLabel ?scholia ?lccnurl ?viafurl ?orcidurl  ?dob ?dod ?genderLabel ?ethnicLabel ?tribeLabel WHERE {
   #  wd:Q1150437  == Victoria University of Wellington
   #  wd:Q42417045 == Wellington College of Education
   #  wd:Q17067645 == THW Press
   ## section where we express who we are interested in
   ?academic wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . # academic is a person
      ?academic wdt:P69 ?inst # employed
      VALUES ?inst { wd:Q1150437  wd:Q42417045 } .
   } UNION {
      ?academic wdt:P108 ?inst # educated 
      VALUES ?inst { wd:Q1150437  wd:Q42417045 } .
   } UNION {
      ?thesis wdt:P4101 wd:Q1150437 . # thesis submitted to Victoria University of Wellington
      ?thesis wdt:P50 ?academic .  # author of
   } UNION {
      ?book wdt:P123 wd:Q17067645 . # book published by THW Press
      ?book wdt:P50 ?academic . 
   ## section where we express what we want to know about them
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P21 ?gender . } .   
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P172 ?ethnic . } .  
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P12011 ?tribe . } .   

   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P569 ?dob . } .   
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P570 ?dod . } .   

   BIND( URI(CONCAT('', STRAFTER(STR(?academic), "/entity/")))  AS ?scholia ) .
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P244 ?lccn .  BIND( IRI(CONCAT('', STR(?lccn)))  AS ?lccnurl ) .   } . 
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P214 ?viaf .  BIND( IRI(CONCAT('', STR(?viaf)))  AS ?viafurl ) . } . 
   OPTIONAL { ?academic wdt:P496 ?orcid .  BIND( IRI(CONCAT('', STR(?orcid)))  AS ?orcidurl ) . } . 
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
WGTN People