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Hey I'm Culi. I've a website: I got another website, Actually I have a lot of websites. Most of them don't really have much content because I'm doing this whole "having a job" thing rn.

On Wikipedia I mostly edit plant/botany pages and I've recently started getting into random open source projects on GitHub.

Things I'd like to glue together with WikiData

 * Programming Language DataBase (Q115663399) is database of programming languages collecting info about their features, events, and much more. This can also act as a nice glue layer to since they have most of the HOPL IDs figured out already.
   - [x] Made the Programming Language DataBase (Q115663399) page (on accident tbh)
   - [x] proposed a PLDB ID property.
 * Semantic Scholar (Q22908627)'s drug interaction AI.
 * The PsychonautWiki is an incredible resource for making drug use safer. They have an open API anyone can access. It'd be great to get supplements and drugs on WikiData hooked up to their ids.
 * Every hospital (Q16917) should be hooked up with their CMS certification number (CCN). Then we'd be able to easily hook things up with databases like which is trying to build an open sourced dataset with links to every hospital's Chargemaster (Q13231446) (a list of every billable service they provide and how much they charge). Then we'd be able to add all those chargemaster links to WikiData!
 * has a database of US-based recycling centers whereas has one for Canada-based centers. A good glue layer for these and more would likely be the Yelp IDs of each place.
 * is a wiki for voting systems. I'm not sure what the best way to go about hooking up the two projects would be though since a voting systems taxonomy is difficult to accomplish (similar challenge to dataviz taxonomies. There's too many axies).
 * Politicians could be linked together with Ballotpedia urls, NYTimes' candidate IDs (might be an internal API only), and openelections data.