User talk:LydiaPintscher

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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:LydiaPintscher/Archive 1 on 2015-08-10.

Haendelfan (talkcontribs)

Hello Linda

Thanks again for your input today on creating items on journals with different spellings.

I have a suggestion in connection with sub-classifying journals. Of course "scientific" journal is already included as a class, yet there are different sciences and maybe some people would challenge the notion that religion is a science, yet of course a lot of theological colleges, academies or other institutions or simply pubishers have produced theological journals or journals on theology. On the other hand, there are clearly mathematic journals / journals on mathematics, chemistry, physics, but also beekeeping, gardening, viticulture (Weinanbau) etc.

I would like to suggest thinking about such a sub-differentiation or is the idea to choose "scientific journal" and e.g. "viticulture" as 2 classifying items and the machine thinks this together as a scientific journal on mathematics or viticulture.

SelbstverstƤndlich kƶnnen wir auch Deutsch schreiben, ich wusste nicht, was auf einer internationalen Plattform angebrachter ist.

Also I would like to ask whether you can advise me why my newly created items Q128797120 and Q128795557 do not have the title of the journal as title of the datasheet, while Q15756238. Is this because only the English version of a title is accepted as the title? (Sorry I have just learnt creating new items today, am a full newcomer)


LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

Hi Dirk,

Danke dir!

FĆ¼r den letzten Teil: Q128797120 und Q128795557 haben kein englisches Label. Daher wird es oben im Seitentitel nicht angezeigt wenn du Wikidata auf englisch anzeigen lƤsst. Wenn du es auf Deutsch umschaltest (kannst du oben rechts machen), dann wird der deutsche Titel als Seitentitel angezeigt, weil es in der Sprache ein Label gibt. Wir fĆ¼hren auch gerade einen neuen Sprachcode ein (mul fĆ¼r multilingual content) der das verbessern wird. FĆ¼r FƤlle wie diesen wĆ¼rde der deutsche Titel des Journals dann dort reingeschrieben und wƤre fĆ¼r alle Sprachen verfĆ¼gbar. Du kannst dir das z.B. schon mal auf Q42 anschauen.

Viele GrĆ¼ĆŸe

Reply to "Specification of "journals"" (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Sprachcode gsw"
Astromessier (talkcontribs)


regarding this, Tesla wasn't even a graduate (or wasn't even an engineer) how would he have a Ph.D. in science?

LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

Ok but engineer is not an academic degree. I'll remove the statement completely.

Reply to "Telsa education"
JASHough (talkcontribs)
LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

The aliases I have removed were all duplication of the Q-ID of the Item. This is generally a bad practice. Aliases are there to support discoverability. These Items can already be found when searching for their Q-ID. We even have abuse filters set up to tag edits that add Q-IDs in labels or aliases.

JASHough (talkcontribs)

This is very strange, because this is not what was supposed to be there (it should have been a text label) - clearly something went wrong in the open refine process! Thank you for pointing this out, I will check the other items from this batch upload to make sure this didn't happen anywhere else.

LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

Yeah I've seen a few people where this happened now with people using OpenRefine. Not sure what the cause is.

I have a query that finds Items with Q-IDs in labels or aliases and it returned 0 when I was done cleaning up so it should be fine now. Thanks for looking into it.

Reply to "Removal of alias from items"
Antoine2711 (talkcontribs)

Hi Lydia,

I saw that your are a participant in the WikiProject Movies, and I have a lots of questions.

1) I'm asking to create 2 new properties about classification in Canada. For french (QuƩbec), Wikidata:Property proposal/Classification RCQ, and for english canada, Wikidata:Property proposal/CHVRS Classification. Can you support me and vote for those? (Or, if you think I should change something, tell me so I can correct it). This should be a no brainer as it's the same as MPAA film rating (P1657), CNC film rating (France) (P2758) and BBFC rating (P2629).

2) How long before it get approved?

3) I would like to add a new property, synopsis, that would be a link to an external web resource (URL) as our synopsis are more than 250 chars, and there is also copyright issues. What do you think about that?

Your help will be MUCH appreciated. I think we've meet at Wikimania 2017 (Mtl), I was Volunteer Manager.

Regards, Antoine

LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

Hi AntoineĀ :)

I'll have a look at the property proposals in the next days. How long it takes to get them approved depends on a few factors like how many people support it quickly.

I don't think we should have a synopsis property. That goes beyond what Wikidata should store into Wikipedia's area.



Antoine2711 (talkcontribs)

Hi Lydia,

I have a question for you. I want to mark roles as primary/secondary/cameo. Is there a way to do that? I would like to ask the Movies WDProject, but I don't see a discussion page created. Should I create one, and ping the project?

Also, I would like to ask the Movies WDProject how do you mark someone as the sound engineer for a movie?

Regards, Antoine

Antoine2711 (talkcontribs)

I got my answers. Sorry for the noise. ;-) Regards, Antoine

Reply to "Informations about films"
AlessioMela (talkcontribs)
LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)
AlessioMela (talkcontribs)

Thanks Lydia! I'm curious about this in order to make a reasonable interval for this tool that lists all the articles without a Wikidata item. And dispatch lag creates many false positives.

Reply to "DispatchStats"
Jura1 (talkcontribs)

Hi Lydia,

Is this just a mistaken assumption by a user rarely active on Wikidata or has the workshop mentioned on Topic:Tvx64y7zezv4rz4v somehow created the mistaken assumption that Wikidata is a dumping ground for statements that can't be referenced?

LydiaPintscher (talkcontribs)

There was no workshop. We met at the Wikimania hackathon because she had a question which I helped her with. And of course I didn't give the impression that Wikidata is a dumping ground. And she also never got that impression I am sure.

I'm sad we're not solving this with less flames.

Jura1 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Workshop outcome"

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

(Sorry to write in Engilsh)

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Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)
  1. ā†‘ This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
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Fixertool (talkcontribs)

Did you notice that you deleted Obama's place of birth from almost all the wikipedias? Ok, the hospital. But, to read Honolulu is more important. Of course I understand it was just a mistake. Thanks. ~~~~

Reply to "Obama"