Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/Mandatory constraints/Violations

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audio (P51): Format


anthem (P85): Contemporary


editor (P98): Contemporary


ISNI (P213): Conflicts with title (P1476)


ISNI (P213): Conflicts with ISSN (P236)


ISNI (P213): Unique value


VIAF ID (P214): Allowed qualifiers


ISO 639-3 code (P220): Allowed qualifiers


CAS Registry Number (P231): Allowed qualifiers


EC number (P232): Allowed qualifiers


canonical SMILES (P233): Allowed qualifiers


ISSN (P236): Conflicts with ISNI (P213)


COSPAR ID (P247): Single value


discography (P358): Unique value


part of (P361): Entity types


SCN (P377): Single value


Mérimée ID (P380): Allowed qualifiers


CELEX number (P476): Unique value


HURDAT ID (P502): Unique value


website account on (P553): Mandatory Qualifiers


MMSI (P587): Single value


ISTAT ID (P635): Single value


Disease Ontology ID (P699): Allowed qualifiers


Dodis ID (P701): Unique value


DrugBank ID (P715): Single value


OKATO ID (P721): Allowed qualifiers

  • Q1339157: Avantguarde, The Better World, Carlos Masseratti, Collage, Commotion, Controller 1, Cookiemunsta, DJ Dov, Doobey, Dopeman, Elkabass, George Washington, Hoodoo Man, MarQuiz De Sade, The Masochist, Nina Feranzano, Oral Maniac, Pineapple Jack, The Prophet's Project, Rokk Wild, The Rose, Shimatsu Miru, Silent Jesus, The Washington Affair
  • Q14542631: Namuna, Romeo, Ghiță Delagambrinus, Tarascon, Cyrano, Kiriak, Napadarjan, Gheorghe Biciușcă, Jorj Delamizil, Ghiță Delacooperativă, Prințu Ghiță, Contele de Techirghiol, etc.
  • Q15633182: Baron F., Drozd., Drozd-peresmeshnik, N. Lukh., Neschastnyi muzh, Ptitsa-mukha, Revizor, Trech, Turist, Tsirkul'

LAU (P782): Single value


USK rating (P914): Target required claim image (P18)


GRAU index (P917): Single value


main subject (P921): Entity types


ISIN (P946): Format


RSL ID (person) (P947): Allowed qualifiers


ResearcherID (P1053): Unique value


KulturNav-ID (P1248): Unique value


facet of (P1269): Entity types


inflation rate (P1279): Mandatory Qualifiers


CONOR.SI ID (P1280): Unique value


filmography (P1283): Allowed qualifiers


NSK ID (P1375): Unique value


GRIN URL (P1421): Unique value


NIS/INS code (P1567): Single value


NIS/INS code (P1567): Unique value


curator (P1640): Allowed qualifiers


GTAA ID (P1741): Allowed qualifiers


GTAA ID (P1741): Unique value


PSS-archi ID (P1838): Unique value


Netflix ID (P1874): Unique value

  • Q12595655: novalue
  • Q91913639: en:Megathoracipsylla, gen. nov.Dishag. nosisOnly male known, allied to Monopsyllus Kolenati, 1857, but readily distinguishable by the following characters: (1) pronotum especially long, its length including the pronotal comb equivalent to that of mesonotum including the collar and about 1 1/2 times longer than the metanotum, the collar of which is particularly short; (2) frontal tubercle absent; (3)frontal and occipital rows of bristles vestigial each of which being represented by 1 small bristle; (4) eye small but pigmented, ocular row consisting of 4 bristles; (5) labial palpus 5-segmented reaching slightly beyond apex of fore-trochanter(fig.1) ; (6) basal abdominal sternite with fine striation on the posterior 2/3 of the middle portion) (7) metanotal area water-chestnut shaped; (8) all legs with 5 pairs of lateral plantar bristles in a straight line; (9) Ⅷ ter-gite of male well-developed, but with short bristies on its dorsal margin and without spiculose area on the inner side(fig.3);(10) Ⅷ sternite much reduced and with small membranous flap divided into filaments (fig.4); (11)clasper with a conical and pointed process curving towards the anterior, with broad and short manubrium and with a broad movable process bearing 2 different spiniforms; (12) Ⅸ sternite with a small and slender anterior arm, the shape of which is rather peculiar(fig.2); (13) all tergitcs of thorax and abdomen with main bristle row consisting of slender bristles.Type of the genus M. pentagonia sp. nov.

PolSys ID (P1980): Single value


Nikkaji ID (P2085): Single value


Nikkaji ID (P2085): Unique value


DfE URN (P2253): Unique value


ISOCAT ID (P2263): Unique value


uses (P2283): Contemporary


JMDb film ID (P2400): Single value


global warming potential (P2565): Mandatory Qualifiers


TED topic ID (P2612): Single value


TED talk ID (P2613): Single value


BBFC rating (P2629): Target required claim image (P18)


URL (P2699): Format


production statistics (P2746): Mandatory Qualifiers


IAT diver ID (P2780): Single value


Megogo ID (P2826): Single value


corporate officer (P2828): Allowed qualifiers


Benezit ID (P2843): Unique value


LepIndex ID (P3064): Single value


UN document symbol (P3069): Allowed qualifiers


FloraBase ID (P3101): Single value


LdiF ID (P3107): Unique value


Epguides ID (P3121): Single value


NSW Flora ID (P3130): Single value


NSW Flora ID (P3130): Unique value


OFDb film ID (P3138): Allowed qualifiers


OFDb film ID (P3138): Unique value


EDb film ID (P3141): Single value


EDb film ID (P3141): Unique value


Sratim ID (P3145): Single value


FANTOIR code (P3182): Unique value


VK ID (P3185): Allowed qualifiers


TAXREF ID (P3186): Single value


UAI code (P3202): Unique value

  • Q60294349: 19.14.0013.02506900, 19.14.0013.02506800
  • Q60435884: 19.07.0003.00774600, 19.07.0003.00775100
  • Q60478461: 19.16.0019.03825300, 19.16.0007.03825300
  • Q60478462: 19.16.0019.03825400, 19.16.0007.03825400
  • Q60478463: 19.16.0019.03825500, 19.16.0007.03825500
  • Q60478464: 19.16.0019.03825800, 19.16.0007.03825800
  • Q60478466: 19.16.0019.03825900, 19.16.0007.03825900
  • Q60478468: 19.16.0019.03826000, 19.16.0007.03826000
  • Q60478469: 19.16.0019.03826100, 19.16.0007.03826100
  • Q60478470: 19.16.0019.03826200, 19.16.0007.03826200
  • Q60478471: 19.16.0019.03826300, 19.16.0007.03826300
  • Q60478472: 19.16.0019.03826700, 19.16.0007.03826700
  • Q60478473: 19.16.0019.03826800, 19.16.0007.03826800
  • Q60478474: 19.16.0019.03827000, 19.16.0007.03827000
  • Q60478475: 19.16.0019.03827200, 19.16.0007.03827200
  • Q60478477: 19.16.0019.03827400, 19.16.0007.03827400
  • Q60623452: 19.18.0006.03893800, 19.18.0006.03898100

base (P3263): Mandatory Qualifiers


Myspace ID (P3265): Unique value


GECD film ID (P3367): Unique value


Prabook ID (P3368): Unique value


Surman ID (P3392): Single value


AELG ID (P3436): Single value


AELG ID (P3436): Unique value


WCSPF ID (P3591): Unique value


KMDb film ID (P3704): Unique value


IPv6 routing prefix (P3793): Allowed qualifiers

[edit] ID (P3810): Unique value


Ishim ID (P3906): Single value


Ishim ID (P3906): Unique value

[edit] ID (P3933): Single value


DBS ID (P4007): Single value


DBS ID (P4007): Unique value


ADW taxon ID (P4024): Unique value


FINESS ID (P4058): Unique value


checksum (P4092): Mandatory Qualifiers

[edit] ID (P4133): Unique value

  • Q66376513: Monument Cultural destacat de Geòrgia

VOGRIPA ID (P4708): Unique value


Guardiana ID (P4710): Unique value


CHGIS ID (P4711): Unique value


Ecocrop ID (P4753): Unique value


fastest lap (P5053): Single value


INEPAC ID (P5549): Unique value


Aosdána ID (P5614): Unique value


Evene ID (P5617): Unique value


Brasseur ID (P5629): Unique value


Angelicum ID (P5731): Unique value


ENI number (P5910): Single value


APNI ID (P5984): Unique value


demonym of (P6271): Entity types


rural population (P6344): Mandatory Qualifiers

  • Q63286032: America/Atikokan, America/Coral_Harbour

MAHG ID (P6877): Unique value


literacy rate (P6897): Mandatory Qualifiers


moved by (P6939): Single value


Bionomia ID (P6944): Single value

[edit] URL (P7294): Single value

[edit] URL (P7294): Unique value


WPI ID (P7625): Single value


WPI ID (P7625): Unique value


C64.COM ID (P7852): Unique value


MACRIS ID (P8239): Unique value


Max ID (P8298): Single value


Max ID (P8298): Unique value


Stairway To Hell URL (P8606): Mandatory Qualifiers


Fatcat ID (P8608): Unique value


PAN member (P8832): Unique value


DIA ID (P8916): Unique value

[edit] ID (P9010): Unique value


Swissvote ID (P9206): Mandatory Qualifiers


GB1900 ID (P9284): Single value

  • Q829251: 580f87392c66dc1ce5041782, 580f873d2c66dc1ce5041786

MANTO ID (P9736): Single value


MANTO ID (P9736): Unique value
