Wikidata:Database reports/items without claims categories/dawiki

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Site dawiki
Report length 44
Minimum number of items 50

Most frequently used categories at dawiki for items without any claims/statements.

See also: Wikidata:Database reports/without claims by site, general discussion at Wikidata talk:Database reports/without claims by site

Category at site (e.g. Wikipedia)ItemsPetScanWikidata category itemcategory combines topics (P971)
Kilder mangler (samlet liste) 766 PetScan Category:All articles with unsourced statements (Q5321549)Project:Maintenance
Sider, der bruger automatiske ISBN-henvisninger 621 PetScan Category:Pages using ISBN magic links (Q27825420)Project:Maintenance and International Standard Book Number
Intet lokalt billede og intet billede på Wikidata 337 PetScan Category:No local image and no image on Wikidata (Q16742295)image not on Wikimedia~ image (see also)
Artikler uden kilder (samlet liste) 306 PetScan Category:All articles lacking sources (Q7478359)
Artikler der bør formateres (samlet liste) 265 PetScan Q24034157
Artikelstump 202 PetScan Category:Stubs (Q2944440)
Påbegyndte artikler om musik 175 PetScan Category:Music stubs (Q2944851)music and Wikipedia:Stub
Påbegyndte artikler om sport 149 PetScan Category:Sports stubs (Q7190177)sport and Wikipedia:Stub
Påbegyndte samfundsartikler 148 PetScan Category:Sociology stubs (Q7478008)Wikipedia:Stub
Salmonsens 140 PetScan Q10175707
Påbegyndte artikler om sprog 125 PetScan Category:Linguistics stubs (Q7477858)Wikipedia:Stub
Behøver eftersyn (samlet liste) 118 PetScan Category:All articles needing expert attention (Q8235689)
Jura 117 PetScan Category:Law (Q4026563)
Sogne i Sydslesvig 112 PetScan Q30156534
For korte artikler (samlet liste) 110 PetScan Q23823124
Danmarks politik 110 PetScan Category:Politics of Denmark (Q6951939)Denmark and politics
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q35 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Ord og vendinger 96 PetScan Category:Phrases (Q6022691)
Påbegyndte artikler om mad og drikke 93 PetScan Category:Food and drink stubs (Q7046515)Wikipedia:Stub, food, drink and food industry
Påbegyndte artikler om kultur 90 PetScan Category:Culture stubs (Q2944888)Wikipedia:Stub and culture
Påbegyndte artikler om Danmarks historie 89 PetScan Category:Danish history stubs (Q8362359)Wikipedia:Stub
Folketingsvalgkredse 88 PetScan Category:Folketing constituencies (Q9948544)
Danmarks love 86 PetScan Q9097715
Sammenfletningsforslag (samlet liste) 85 PetScan Category:All articles to be merged (Q8235706)
Artikler med gammeldags sprog 83 PetScan Q23832584
Påbegyndte artikler om teknologi 73 PetScan Category:Technology stubs (Q7110654)technology and Wikipedia:Stub
Forældede artikler 73 PetScan Category:Articles with obsolete information (Q8269278)
Påbegyndte internet-artikler 71 PetScan Category:Internet stubs (Q6469010)Wikipedia:Stub
Påbegyndte artikler om militær 71 PetScan Category:Military stubs (Q7046283)Wikipedia:Stub
Påbegyndte juraartikler 68 PetScan Q10165835
Lokalt billede, men intet billede på Wikidata 65 PetScan Category:Local image but no image on Wikidata (Q16742294)value not on Wikidata, Wikidata property usage tracking category and Project:Maintenance~ image (see also)
Påbegyndte religionsartikler 63 PetScan Category:Religion stubs (Q7110071)religion and Wikipedia:Stub
Påbegyndte artikler om uddannelse 58 PetScan Category:Education stubs (Q8407627)Wikipedia:Stub and education
Økologi 57 PetScan Category:Ecology (Q1970530)
Tvivlsomme selvbiografier 57 PetScan Category:Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest (Q9811152)
Titler 56 PetScan Category:Titles (Q6416401)
Kilder mangler siden Uge 52, 2013 55 PetScan Q17347898
Artikler hvor enkelte passager behøver uddybning (samlet liste) 55 PetScan Q28759963
Danmarks historie 54 PetScan Category:History of Denmark (Q6953940)history and Denmark
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q35 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Påbegyndte artikler om computerspil 54 PetScan Category:Video game stubs (Q5895002)video game (instance of) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P31:Q7889 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Påbegyndte artikler om tv-programmer 54 PetScan Category:Television show stubs (Q8836044)television program, Wikimedia category of stubs, Wikipedia:Stub and entertainment television show
Filosofi 52 PetScan Category:Philosophy (Q1983674)
Kvalitetscheck - Introduktion mangler 52 PetScan Category:Wikipedia articles needing context (Q9431711)
Notabilitet (samlet liste) 52 PetScan Category:All articles with topics of unclear notability (Q8235724)
Sider der ligner reklame 51 PetScan Category:Articles with a promotional tone (Q10180334)