Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Participants/VIGNERON

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Actions for the Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge

15 April :

- been busy elsewhere -

3 May

4 May

5 May

6 May

7 May

21 May

22 May

24 May

25 May

26 May

Lua error: too many expensive function calls.

27 May

28 May : nothing

29 May :

✓ Done objective: to add all label and description in Breton on Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Breton (7 labels, 0 description at the beginning).

SELECT distinct ?nature ?natureLabel WHERE {
	?item wdt:P608 wd:Q20980830 ;
          wdt:P31 ?nature .
	SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "br" }
} ORDER BY ASC(?natureLabel)
Try it!