Wikidata:Events/International Museum Day 2022/Results/es

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Día Internacional
de los Museos 2022


Competencia en Wikidata


¡Felicitaciones a quienes resultaron ganadores y a todas las personas que participaron!


979 usuarios únicos se registraron en la competencia. Algunos participantes formaron parte de más de una categoría específica. 551 usuarios participaron con algunas nuevas cuentas de usuarios. Esto incluye a aquellos que se registraron hasta dos semanas después del inicio de la competencia.

Category Participants Total edits Items edited Items created Bytes added
Argentina (Q414) 81 6072 1231 58 2597022
Armenia (Q399) 20 1861 137 35 883310
Austria (Q40) 24 1830 302 30 1521108
Benin (Q962) 23 506 31 9 343831
Botswana (Q963) 15 510 13 5 284672
Chad (Q657) 13 318 6 5 152022
Chile (Q298) 25 4170 411 107 1948444
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Q974) 32 329 16 11 182033
France (Q142) 36 8372 1953 480 7205338
Germany (Q183) 57 42470 4166 167 19241952
Guinea (Q1006) 14 362 14 5 205311
Hungary (Q28) 23 3523 328 27 1947175
Italy (Q38) 62 2770 445 37 2509020
Malta (Q233) 19 2349 59 31 1654689
Kingdom of the Netherlands (Q29999) 41 6351 1312 66 5186421
Nigeria (Q1033) 94 1963 110 61 955740
Poland (Q36) 46 21653 2085 191 13826951
Rwanda (Q1037) 32 462 15 5 239168
Serbia (Q403) 24 3164 196 15 1474841
Sweden (Q34) 28 1987 974 6 1004516
Switzerland (Q39) 27 2421 284 105 1797723
Uganda (Q1036) 33 794 51 30 385889
Ukraine (Q212) 73 10351 1147 32 5604547
United Kingdom (Q145) 96 5074 1057 34 3521667
Uruguay (Q77) 23 2026 160 10 1174290
West Bengal (Q1356) 305 5642 2218 1660 10260754

Antes y después: Museos con coordenadas, localización, website, año de fundación, imagen o código postal. Incluyendo ediciones posiblemente no relacionadas con la competencia.

Museums with coordinates, location, website, inception or image
Country coordinate location (P625) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) official website (P856) inception (P571) image (P18) street address (P6375)
2022-05-04 2022-05-18 2022-05-04 2022-05-18 2022-05-04 2022-05-18 2022-05-04 2022-05-18 2022-05-04 2022-05-18 2022-05-04 2022-05-18
Germany (Q183) 80.93% (6193) 82.44% (6299) 50.42% (3858) 55.95% (4275) 66.56% (5093) 67.99% (5195) 21.38% (1636) 23.02% (1759) 36.03% (2757) 38.99% (2979) 65.96% (5047) 66.9% (5112)
Italy (Q38) 91.16% (5713) 91.24% (5731) 99.71% (6249) 99.82% (6270) 61.61% (3861) 62.12% (3902) 26.44% (1657) 26.59% (1670) 37.51% (2351) 38.1% (2393) 85.48% (5357) 85.91% (5396)
France (Q142) 79.5% (2137) 81.1% (2205) 96.95% (2606) 99.3% (2700) 58.37% (1569) 59.65% (1622) 29.5% (793) 29.61% (805) 64.58% (1736) 64.62% (1757) 23.33% (627) 25.08% (682)
United Kingdom (Q145) 91.56% (2277) 92.77% (2311) 82.67% (2056) 98.8% (2461) 68.36% (1700) 89.8% (2237) 40.33% (1003) 44.44% (1107) 71.93% (1789) 74.31% (1851) 15.24% (379) 36.13% (900)
Sweden (Q34) 93.78% (1823) 93.36% (2010) 96.4% (1874) 98.56% (2122) 33.74% (656) 36.14% (778) 22.27% (433) 22.57% (486) 57.2% (1112) 60.1% (1294) 29.73% (578) 27.36% (589)
Austria (Q40) 97.72% (1630) 98.57% (1657) 99.58% (1661) 99.76% (1677) 41.13% (686) 42.89% (721) 21.82% (364) 24.27% (408) 67.57% (1127) 68.23% (1147) 57.37% (957) 59.37% (998)
Poland (Q36) 91.04% (1361) 92.66% (1553) 92.71% (1386) 96.0% (1609) 62.07% (928) 65.87% (1104) 75.65% (1131) 71.24% (1194) 70.84% (1059) 68.38% (1146) 7.83% (117) 27.39% (459)
Switzerland (Q39) 58.32% (796) 59.22% (809) 98.53% (1345) 98.61% (1347) 85.93% (1173) 86.09% (1176) 21.03% (287) 21.3% (291) 38.9% (531) 39.75% (543) 81.83% (1117) 81.99% (1120)
Argentina (Q414) 93.02% (1173) 99.3% (1284) 95.64% (1206) 99.92% (1292) 5.87% (74) 21.66% (280) 51.07% (644) 53.29% (689) 16.89% (213) 19.26% (249) 85.49% (1078) 96.67% (1250)
Ukraine (Q212) 58.04% (538) 93.26% (899) 57.39% (532) 100.0% (964) 36.57% (339) 38.49% (371) 64.29% (596) 95.44% (920) 53.94% (500) 62.34% (601) 8.63% (80) 86.51% (834)
Chad (Q657) 100.0% (5) 100.0% (5) 100.0% (5) 100.0% (5) 0% (0) 0% (0) 100.0% (5) 100.0% (5) 40.0% (2) 40.0% (2) 20.0% (1) 60.0% (3)
Chile (Q298) 31.44% (105) 87.23% (369) 97.01% (324) 98.82% (418) 23.65% (79) 70.45% (298) 23.95% (80) 31.68% (134) 34.13% (114) 28.84% (122) 21.86% (73) 85.34% (361)
India (Q668) 78.85% (287) 82.16% (304) 77.2% (281) 81.35% (301) 36.81% (134) 42.16% (156) 52.47% (191) 57.03% (211) 58.79% (214) 62.97% (233) 3.57% (13) 14.05% (52)
Hungary (Q28) 76.47% (208) 100.0% (311) 74.26% (202) 100.0% (311) 52.21% (142) 74.28% (231) 30.51% (83) 42.77% (133) 69.85% (190) 76.53% (238) 15.81% (43) 83.6% (260)
Uruguay (Q77) 15.12% (39) 49.61% (127) 96.12% (248) 99.22% (254) 9.3% (24) 17.97% (46) 21.71% (56) 28.12% (72) 24.03% (62) 31.25% (80) 89.92% (232) 94.53% (242)
Serbia (Q403) 71.79% (84) 63.78% (118) 76.92% (90) 93.51% (173) 66.67% (78) 78.38% (145) 65.81% (77) 84.32% (156) 76.92% (90) 75.68% (140) 23.08% (27) 77.84%% (144)
Armenia (Q399) 82.5% (99) 81.45% (101) 94.17% (113) 95.16% (118) 42.5% (51) 42.74% (53) 82.5% (99) 82.26% (102) 79.17% (95) 77.42% (96) 32.5% (39) 38.71% (48)
Nigeria (Q1033) 55.88% (19) 73.63% (67) 91.18% (31) 96.7% (88) 20.59% (7) 21.98% (20) 32.35% (11) 36.26% (33) 44.12% (15) 31.87% (29) 14.71% (5) 73.63% (67)
Uganda (Q1036) 12.5% (3) 46.94% (23) 95.83% (23) 87.76% (43) 8.33% (2) 32.65% (16) 33.33% (8) 48.98% (24) 16.67% (4) 12.24% (6)) 4.17% (1) 32.65% (16)
Malta (Q233) 100.0% (19) 100.0% (33) 100.0% (19) 93.94% (31) 89.47% (17) 81.82% (27) 78.95% (15) 66.67% (22) 100.0% (19) 84.85% (28) 5.26% (1) 93.94% (31)
Benin (Q962) 66.67% (14) 92.31% (24) 90.48% (19) 96.15% (25) 33.33% (7) 26.92% (7) 61.9% (13) 76.92% (20) 52.38% (11) 46.15% (12) 14.29% (3) 46.15% (12)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Q974) 80.0% (4) 83.33% (10) 100.0% (5) 91.67% (11) 0% (0) 8.33% (1) 80.0% (4) 66.67%% (8) 60.0% (3) 16.67% (2) 20.0% (1) 50.0% (6)
Rwanda (Q1037) 87.5% (7) 100.0% (11) 50.0% (4) 81.82% (9) 25.0% (2) 27.27% (3) 75.0% (6) 90.91% (10) 75.0% (6) 54.55% (6) 0% (0) 9.09% (1)
Botswana (Q963) 50.0% (3) 100.0% (9) 100.0% (6) 100.0% (9) 50.0% (3) 66.67% (6) 66.67% (4) 77.78% (7) 66.67% (4) 44.44% (4) 0% (0) 88.89% (8)
Guinea (Q1006) 77.78% (7) 100.0% (9) 77.78% (7) 100.0% (9) 0% (0) 11.11% (1) 33.33% (3) 100.0% (9) 33.33% (3) 33.33% (3) 0% (0) 55.56% (5)