Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Documentation/Lexeme statements

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Lexemes, like items or properties, have statements (claims) that provide information about the lexeme that is not specific to one of its forms or senses.

Depending on how a particular language works, and depending on the lexical category of the lexeme, some statements will be more applicable to a given lexeme than others. This page aims to provide general information about properties that may be used for statements on lexemes.

While statements exclusively used on senses and forms are described in the documentation subpages regarding Senses and Forms, some of the properties listed on this page may be applicable to a lexeme's forms and senses as well; this will be noted in the appropriate subsection. Many other properties applicable directly to lexemes are listed in Template:Lexicographical properties.

Properties about inherent grammatical features

If you are looking for information about instance of, see the documentation subpage regarding Lexical categories.

This is normally used on lexemes for pronouns with one of the following values:

These values are the same as the ones used as grammatical features on forms, if a word has different forms based on number.

This is normally used on lexemes for pronouns with one of the following values:

These values are the same as the ones used as grammatical features on forms, if a word has different forms based on person.

Some languages make additional distinctions specific to that language. For such cases, the documentation for the language should explain which values to use.

This has many potential uses. Some of the notable ones:

On lexemes for pronouns, this is used to indicate distinctions not covered by grammatical gender (P5185), grammatical person (P11053) or grammatical number (P11054), in particular:

Properties about lexeme provenance

If you are looking for information about external identifiers for lexemes in your language, see this list of lexeme identifier properties.

Properties about lexeme origin


Properties about lexeme morphology


Properties about lexeme syntax


This property is used on lexemes for verbs when the auxiliary verb used to form a particular compound tense is not the same for every verb. The two lexemes linked by this property should be for the same language.

It is most commonly used for Romance and Germanic languages which form a compound past tense (e.g. "have been", "have done") using the equivalent of "have" for some verbs and "be" for other verbs, e.g.

Properties regarding relationships to other lexemes


Other properties
