Wikidata:Property proposal/Archive/2019/02

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Property name Proposer Start date Close date Property Label Description Uses
LGD local body code Bodhisattwa 2019-01-25 2019-02-01 P6425LGD local body codecode used for local government bodies by the Local Government Directory, a website run by the Government of India, which maintains directory of rural and urban local governments in India and their political territorial entities6326
HAER ID Ergo Sum 2018-11-29 2019-02-01 P6428P6428no description
Musicbrainz Event ID Jeluang Terluang 2019-01-24 2019-02-01 P6423MusicBrainz event IDidentifier for an event in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia794
ManualsLib brand ID Pigsonthewing 2019-01-25 2019-02-01 P6422ManualsLib brand IDidentifier for a brand or manufacturer, in the Manuals Lib library of instruction manuals155
affiliation string Jura1 2018-12-23 2019-02-01 P6424affiliation stringqualifier to provide the published string form of affiliation attached to an author152737
Hymnary hymnal ID Beleg Tâl 2019-01-25 2019-02-01 P6429Hymnary hymnal IDidentifier for hymnal in the database29
Hymnary tune ID Beleg Tâl 2019-01-25 2019-02-01 P6431Hymnary tune IDidentifier for hymn tune in the database25878
Hymnary instance ID Beleg Tâl 2019-01-25 2019-02-01 P6430Hymnary instance IDidentifier for an individual edition of a published hymn in the database3 person ID Сидик из ПТУ 2019-01-12 2019-02-01 person IDidentifier for person on site infosport.ru1369
Trading name Pigsonthewing 2019-01-20 2019-02-01 P6427trading namealternative name under which an entity legally trades688
Global Species ID Giovanni Alfredo Garciliano Diaz 2019-01-22 2019-02-02 P6433Global Species IDidentifier for a taxon in Global Species database16347
Alexander–Briggs notation Wikisaurus 2018-08-04 2019-02-02 P6432Alexander–Briggs notationcommon notation of abstract knots and links383
Australia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification 2008 Pigsonthewing 2018-09-21 2019-02-03 P5922ANZSRC 2008 FoR IDAustralia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification 2008 identifier for a field of research. 1419 nodes at 3 levels: 22 Divisions, 157 Groups, 1340 Fields792
Amsterdam code Multichill 2019-01-27 2019-02-03 P6434Amsterdam codecode for municipalities in the Netherlands1661
maintenance method Thierry Caro 2018-12-19 2019-02-04 P6440maintenance methodmethod or steps that maintain, clean up, or repair this item and lengthens its lifespan127
Douban Site Name Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6449Douban site namethis item's identifier on Douban site written in Latin alphabet45
Douban Username Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6450Douban usernamedomain name of Douban users' personal pages18
Zhihu username Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6451Zhihu usernamedomain name of Zhihu users' personal pages126
Code of Natura 2000 FFH habitats GPSLeo 2018-12-21 2019-02-04 P6436Code of Natura 2000/FFH habitatcodes used in the Habitats Directive as identifier for habitats247
Douban Book ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6442Douban book version/edition IDidentifier for a version or edition of a book or a journal at the website Douban240
Douban Read eBook ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6448Douban Read eBook IDidentifier for a book at the website Douban Read, different from P64427
Douban Music ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6445Douban music IDidentifier for an album at the website Douban138
Douban Game ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6444Douban game IDidentifier for a video game at the website Douban264
Douban Drama ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6443Douban drama IDidentifier for a theatrical production at the website Douban9
Douban Author ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6441Douban author IDidentifier for an author at the Douban book website813
Douban Read Author ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6447Douban Read author IDidentifier for a celebrity at the Douban Read website4
Douban Musician ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 P6446Douban musician IDidentifier for a musician at the Douban music website401
rights statement Dominic 2018-12-14 2019-02-04 statement according to source websitestandardized rights statement that owning institution or similar authority has applied to this work834
has lyrics Beleg Tâl 2019-01-25 2019-02-04 P6439has lyricswork whose text is used as the lyrics of this work898
day of regular release NMaia 2019-01-26 2019-02-04 P6437day of regular releaseday(s) when parts of this creative work are released, aired, published, etc786
CBFC rating Máté 2019-01-27 2019-02-04 P6452CBFC ratingrating in the Indian film rating system115
euler characteristic Ptypicalht2 2019-01-07 2019-02-04 P6438Euler characteristictopological invariant of a space; the alternating sum of the dimensions of the (co)homology of a space37
Bilibili user ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6455Bilibili UIDthis item's user ID on Bilibili868
QQ number Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6459QQ user IDthis item's user ID on QQ39
Bilibili video ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6456Bilibili video IDidentifier of a video on Bilibili42
Bilibili bangumi ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6453P6453no description
Bilibili tag ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6454Bilibili tag IDnumber of a tag of Bilibili, a Chinese video website similar to YouTube or Niconico8
Mtime movie ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6458Mtime movie IDidentifier for a movie/film at the website Mtimemovie.com780
Mtime people ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6464Mtime people IDidentifier for a movie/film maker at the website Mtime932
Eventa Servo ID Robin van der Vliet 2019-01-28 2019-02-05 P6457Eventa Servo IDunique ID for the event on the website Eventa Servo175
Rocks Backpages author ID Pigsonthewing 2019-01-29 2019-02-05 P6462Rock's Backpages author IDidentifier for a music journalist whose works are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive146
Rocks Backpages artist ID Pigsonthewing 2019-01-29 2019-02-05 P6461Rock's Backpages artist IDidentifier for a music artist, featured in the Rock's Backpages archive2711
Rocks Backpages publication ID Pigsonthewing 2019-01-29 2019-02-05 P6463Rock's Backpages publication IDidentifier for a newspaper or magazine, articles from which are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive82
Swedish Organization Number Jnylen 2019-01-19 2019-02-05 P6460Swedish Organization Numbersequence of two numberpairs that is unique to a Swedish company or organization given out by the responsible government department4704
ISA ID Joalpe 2019-01-29 2019-02-06 P6468ISA IDidentifier for Brazilian indigenous populations from Instituto Socioambiental258
Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID Davidzdh 2019-01-28 2019-02-06 P6469Fuzhou Architecture Heritage IDidentifier for a building in Fuzhou Architecture Heritage13
Democracy Club ID Andrew Gray 2019-01-29 2019-02-06 P6465Democracy Club candidate IDidentifier in the Democracy Club database of political candidates16893
Hulu series ID Tpt 2019-01-29 2019-02-06 P6467Hulu series IDTV series identifier in Hulu1595
Hulu movie ID Tpt 2019-01-29 2019-02-06 P6466Hulu movie IDmovie identifier in Hulu1602
does not have quality (2) Swpb 2019-01-29 2019-02-07 P6477does not have characteristicexpected quality that the item does not possess8365
NMSRCP reference number Rupert Clayton 2019-01-22 2019-02-07 P6473NMSRCP reference numberidentifier in the State Register of Cultural Properties assigned by the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division594
Den Digitale Byport-ID Kjeldjoh 2019-01-30 2019-02-07 P6471Den Digitale Byport IDidentifier for a Danish city in "Den Digitale Byport"99
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schutzgebiete-ID Derzno 2019-01-30 2019-02-07 P6478Mecklenburg-Vorpommern protected area IDidentifier for nature and landscape protected areas in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany), issued by the Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern442
Swiss Films Queryzo 2019-01-14 2019-02-07 P6474Swiss Films IDIdentifier for films on swissfilms.ch522
GameFAQs franchise ID Jean-Frédéric 2019-01-30 2019-02-07 P6472GameFAQs franchise IDidentifier of a franchise in GameFAQs615
DALFAN ID Nomen ad hoc 2019-01-30 2019-02-07 P6470DALFAN IDidentifier for a person the Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord6
castingvideos ID Ionenlaser 2019-01-31 2019-02-07 P6476castingvideos IDidentifiers for actors on castingvideos.com2521
CABB player ID Jmmuguerza 2019-01-31 2019-02-07 P6475CABB player IDplayer ID of national teams on the Argentine Basketball Confederation website280
Bildarchiv, Herder-Institut Urban 3th 2019-01-31 2019-02-08 P6482Image Archive, Herder Institutelink to the online database (Bildkatalog) of the image archive for the display of image sources6902
Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manager Deror avi 2019-02-01 2019-02-08 P6484Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manageridentifier in the composite gazetteer for Antarctica run New Zealand347
IEEEXplore document ID GZWDer 2019-01-31 2019-02-08 P6480IEEE Xplore document IDidentifier for a document in IEEE Xplore2243
IEEEXplore author ID GZWDer 2019-01-31 2019-02-08 P6479IEEE Xplore author IDidentifier for an author in IEEE Xplore13754
Strepsiptera database species ID Lymantria 2019-02-01 2019-02-08 P6481Strepsiptera database species IDidentifier for a species in the Strepsiptera database430
Pacific Coast Architecture Database building ID PKM 2019-02-01 2019-02-09 P6486Pacific Coast Architecture Database building IDidentifier for a building in the Pacific Coast Architecture Database (PCAD)724
WBCHSE code Bodhisattwa 2019-02-01 2019-02-09 P6483WBCHSE codeidentifier for a college or school situated in West Bengal633
Brentidae of the world species ID Lymantria 2019-02-01 2019-02-09 P6485Brentidae of the world species IDidentifier for a species in the Brentidae of the world database1770
Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species ID Lymantria 2019-02-02 2019-02-09 P6487Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species IDidentifier for a species in the Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae262
Enciclopedia delle donne ID Camelia.boban 2019-02-03 2019-02-11 P6488Enciclopedia delle donne IDidentifier for a subject on the Enciclopedia delle donne1732
BibliotecaVirtualAndalucia authority ID Strakhov 2019-02-05 2019-02-13 P6496Biblioteca Digital Andalucía authority IDauthority identifier in the Biblioteca Digital de Andalucía170
BIDICAM authority ID Strakhov 2019-02-05 2019-02-13 P6490Patrimonio Digital de Castilla-La Mancha authority IDauthority identifier in the Biblioteca Digital de Castilla-La Mancha95
BVPH authority ID Strakhov 2019-02-05 2019-02-13 P6492BVPH authority IDauthority identifier in the Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica73
CCBAE ID Strakhov 2019-02-05 2019-02-13 P6493CCBAE publication IDauthority identifier in the Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas de los Archivos Estatales y del CIDA57
Joan Miró Online Image Bank ID Thierry Caro 2019-02-06 2019-02-13 P6489Joan Miró Online Image Bank IDidentifier for an artwork by Joan Miró in the Joan Miró Online Image Bank146
ISTC No. Marsupium 2019-02-06 2019-02-13 P6494Incunabula Short Title Catalogue IDnumber or ID in the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue82
KSI player ID Сидик из ПТУ 2019-02-06 2019-02-13 P6495KSÍ player IDidentifier for player on KSI site625
Board Game Atlas ID Markus Schepke 2019-02-06 2019-02-13 P6491P6491no description
Literate population KCVelaga 2019-02-05 2019-02-14 P6499literate populationnumber of literate people within a territorial entity (typically determined during a census)94993
Illiterate population KCVelaga 2019-02-05 2019-02-14 P6498illiterate populationnumber of illiterate people within a territorial entity (typically determined during a census)94985
Non-free artwork image URL Pharos 2018-09-22 2019-02-14 P6500non-free artwork image URLURL for image of copyrighted artwork on official collection or artist website17763
Drag coefficient LucaBiondi 2018-12-07 2019-02-14 P6497drag coefficientdimensionless quantity that is used to quantify the drag or resistance of an object in a fluid environment, such as air or water13
JWF Wrestlers Database Sismarinho 2019-02-07 2019-02-15 P6502JWF Wrestlers Database person IDidentifier for a wrestler in the Japan Wrestling Federation Database171
Georgian National Filmography ID for Persons Mehman97 2019-02-07 2019-02-15 P6501Georgian National Filmography person IDidentifier for a person, in the Georgian National Filmography database734
Indian census area code (1991) Mahir256 2019-02-07 2019-02-15 P6503Indian census area code (1991)code used for an area for calculations in the 1991 census of India335
UN/CEFACT common code Anders Feder 2019-02-08 2019-02-16 P6512UN/CEFACT Common Codeunit of measurement identifier as defined by the UN/CEFACT in Recommendation No. 20: Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade893
LSE article ID Сидик из ПТУ 2019-02-06 2019-02-16 P6504Lithuanian Sport Encyclopedia (LSE) article IDidentifier for an article on Lithuanian Sport Encyclopedia28
Eliseu Visconti Project ID Joalpe 2019-02-07 2019-02-16 P6506Eliseu Visconti Project IDCatalog of works of Eliseu Visconti1216
stall speed Razdelyon 2019-02-08 2019-02-16 P6510stall speedminimum airspeed from which an aircraft can take off and maintain flight6
Total goals in career LesserJerome 2019-01-31 2019-02-16 P6509total goals in careergoalscoring statistic12477
DOGC ID Davidpar 2019-02-10 2019-02-18 P6514DOGC IDexternal and unique identifier which represents a publication in Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya357
AICTE Permanent ID Jinoytommanjaly 2019-02-09 2019-02-18 P6513AICTE Permanent IDidentifier number issued by AICTE, the authorized organization in India which grants approval for starting and accreditation technical institutions in India443
DoBIH Number SilentSpike 2019-02-10 2019-02-18 P6515DoBIH Numberstable identifying number for hills in the Database of British and Irish Hills5594
WhoSampled artist Trivialist 2019-02-11 2019-02-19 P6517WhoSampled artist IDidentifier for an artist on WhoSampled.com9148
äriregister 2001:7D0:81F7:B580:DDFA:F670:B74B:12B4 2019-02-11 2019-02-19 P6518Business Registry code (Estonia)identifier for a juridical person registered in Estonia5278
ScaleNet ID‎ Lymantria 2019-02-11 2019-02-19 P6516ScaleNet IDidentifier for a genus or species in ScaleNet6211
taxon author citation Christian Ferrer 2018-12-01 2019-02-19 P6507taxon author citationvalid author citation for a taxon using the appropriate nomenclature (ICBN, ICZN, ect.)167132
ISO 639-3 Change Request ID Sascha 2019-02-11 2019-02-20 P6519ISO 639-3 Change Request IDIdentifier for requested changes to ISO 639-3 language codes. Identifier is issued by the ISO 639-3 registration authority.16
Lokalhistoriewiki article Jon Harald Søby 2019-02-11 2019-02-20 article IDidentifier for an article in lokalhistoriewiki.no9217
Crew united Name Queryzo 2019-01-06 2019-02-21 P6521Crew United person and company IDidentifier for persons and companies on Crew United7846
Fondation Maeght ID Thierry Caro 2019-02-14 2019-02-21 P6525Fondation Maeght artist IDidentifier for an artist on the website of the Fondation Maeght, a French museum162
evidenční číslo domu Vojtěch Dostál 2019-02-15 2019-02-22 P6529provisional house numberhouse number used for recreational and provisional buildings in Czechia, formerly also in Slovakia (eg. cottages)1058
identifiant d'un jeu de données sur PAC2 2019-02-14 2019-02-22 dataset IDID of a dataset in the French open data platform data.gouv.fr16938
expression of Heberlei 2019-01-30 2019-02-22 P6524expression ofrealization of a work through words, sound, image etc. in the FRBR model1453
is model of Andrawaag 2019-02-14 2019-02-22 P6530has role in modelingrelation between a research artefact and an entity that is used to study, in virtue of its replicating or approximating features of the studied entity40
observed in Andrawaag 2019-02-14 2019-02-22 P6531observed into be used as reference to location, condition, variant where upon the subject property object statement is based177
V.League player ID 本日晴天 2019-02-11 2019-02-22 P6527V.League men's player IDidentifier for profile of male player on V.League site297
has phenotype Andrawaag 2019-02-14 2019-02-23 P6532has phenotypea relationship that holds between a biological entity and a phenotype, equivalent to "has property" in the relation ontology
type of front suspensions LucaBiondi 2018-12-07 2019-02-24 P6533type of front suspensionsystem of tires, tire air, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its front wheels and allows relative motion between the two83
type of rear suspensions LucaBiondi 2018-12-07 2019-02-24 P6534type of rear suspensionsystem of tires, tire air, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its rear wheels and allows relative motion between the two81
Gateway to Research Project ID Sic19 2019-02-16 2019-02-25 P6536Gateway to Research Project IDidentifier for a research project receiving public funding in the UK2357
BHL part ID Christian Ferrer 2019-02-16 2019-02-25 P6535BHL part IDidentifier for a part of a work (such as a journal article or book chapter) in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)17134
Yandex.Music label ID Airon90 2019-02-17 2019-02-25 P6538Yandex Music label IDidentifier of a music label on the Yandex Music website51
Yandex.Music genre ID Airon90 2019-02-17 2019-02-25 P6537Yandex Music genre IDidentifier of a music genre on the Yandex Music website210
Catálogo de Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha ID Strakhov 2019-02-18 2019-02-26 P6539Catálogo del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha IDidentifier of a cultural heritage monument in the Catálogo del Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha539
Multi-channel network Skepsiz 2018-07-26 2019-02-26 P6540multi-channel networkmulti-channel network of which this YouTube channel is a member80
Stack Exchange site Luitzen 2019-02-17 2019-02-26 P6541Stack Exchange site URLlink to a Stack Exchange network website for the concept153
Inventário dos Monumentos RJ ID Sturm 2019-02-20 2019-02-27 P6542Inventário dos Monumentos RJ IDno description1370
Total assists in career LesserJerome 2019-02-19 2019-02-28 P6545total assists in careergoalscoring statistic7251
Total points in career LesserJerome 2019-02-19 2019-02-28 P6544total points in careersports statistic7266
Career plus-minus rating LesserJerome 2019-02-19 2019-02-28 P6547career plus-minus ratingsports statistic6187
Penalty minutes in career LesserJerome 2019-02-19 2019-02-28 P6546penalty minutes in careersports statistic7248
Total shots in career LesserJerome 2019-02-19 2019-02-28 P6543total shots in careersports statistic6189

Not done

Property name Proposer Start date Close date Reason
meronym 2 Jura1 2018-12-22 2019-02-03
holonym 2 Jura1 2018-12-22 2019-02-03
Mascot of Romaine 2018-04-28 2019-02-09
designated survivor U+1F360 2019-02-06 2019-02-11
Membro della squadra nazionale Blackcat 2018-08-08 2019-02-16