Wikidata:Property proposal/Wordnet synset ID

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Wordnet synset ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionidentifier for a set of cognitive synonyms in Princeton University's WordNet database
Representssynset (Q1673963)
Data typeExternal identifier
External linksUse in sister projects: [ar][de][en][es][fr][he][it][ja][ko][nl][pl][pt][ru][sv][vi][zh][commons][species][wd][en.wikt][fr.wikt].
Formatter URL$1
See alsoBabelNet ID (P2581)

WordNet (Q533822) is a central semantic network and the first major word net (Q2594143) AFAIK. We already have a BabelNet (Q4837690) property, but WordNet (Q533822) synsets are used, e.g., in ImageNet (Q24901201). It was discussed on the Wikidata mailing list in 2016, see Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 14:58, 15 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Update: This property could potentially be an external identifier. To my knowledge there exist no resolver at the canonical site at Princeton, but one could use, e.g., the ImageNet resolver here: Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 19:14, 15 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

user:Arlo Barnes user:Daniel Mietchen Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) user:Infovarius user:Lore.mazza81 user:Middle river exports user:Nikki user:Popcorndude user:SM5POR user:SynConlanger

Notified participants of WikiProject Linguistics

Further update: After looking a bit more into WordNet and its identifiers I now see two issues:

  1. WordNet synset identifiers are not persistent between WordNet version. ImageNet apparently uses uses 3.0, while it seems to me that BabelNet uses Wordnet 2.1.
  2. WordNet synset identifiers have no canonical aggregation - AFAIU - wrt. to the "pos" and the "offset" part: n04380533 is apparent not the canonical but the format that ImageNet uses. n04380533 may also be written as 04380533n or 04380533-n.

I suggest we stick to ImageNet's format and their use of version 3.0 (for now). I have emailed ImageNet about their plans for the identifier. WordNet Fellbaum suggets using the WordNet sense key instead. I suppose we could potentially have multiple WordNet keys. — Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 21:54, 17 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Yet further update: We already have the possibility to link to Wordnet 3.0 and Wordnet 3.1 and global wordnet. The wordnets have LOD URI see, e.g., the dog at which link to the resource I am not sure that the property is necessary? — Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 21:09, 21 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Here is an example that will fetch Wordnet-Wikidata links with the exact match (P2888) I have typed in so far:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?uri WHERE { 
    SELECT ?item ?uri WHERE {
      ?item wdt:P2888 ?uri .
      FILTER STRSTARTS(str(?uri), '')
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 00:30, 22 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
