Wikidata:Property proposal/corresponding Wikipedia item

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corresponding Wikipedia item

   Not done
DescriptionWhen concept A has a label in language M but no label in language N and there's exactly one concept B with A →{Corresponding Wikipedia Item}→ B where B has a label in N there shall be an automatically created interwiki link from Aₘ → Bₙ. If there are multiple B₁, B₂, …, Bₖ with labels in N there shall be a temporarily created disambiguation page created in N with the title Aₙ that lists B₁, B₂, …, Bₖ.

In other words:
This is a Wikidata property to automatically create interwikis between Wikipedia articles, belonging to different Wikidata items. By default Wikipedia article within Wikidata item A shows all other Wikipedia articles of A as its lingual interwikis. Setting A ─{Corresponding Wikipedia Item}🡒 B is expected to cause every Wikipedia article within A to extend its list of interwikis with contents of B.


  • It requires some support from en:MediaWiki programmers (i.e. just approving this property isn't enough to make it work by autocreating interwikis in Wikipedia articles).
  • It's purely technical property (without any semantic load, unrelated to subclass of (P279), part of (P361), etc).
  • It's expected to work neither symmetrically (A→B doesn't imply B→A), nor transitively (A→B→C doesn't imply A→C).
Data typeItem
human hand (Q25505093)hand (Q33767)
murder of Kitty Genovese (Q18341392)Kitty Genovese (Q238128)
Bonnie and Clyde (Q219937)Clyde Barrow (Q3320282)
Bonnie Parker (Q2319886)Bonnie and Clyde (Q219937)
Clyde Barrow (Q3320282)Bonnie and Clyde (Q219937)

Wikidata has two missions. On the one hand it's supposed to create interwiki links. On the other hand wants to build precise ontology. Sometimes there's tension between those two goals.

One Wikipedia might have a concept for `human hand` while the other has a concept for `hand`. For the goal of having interwiki links it would be useful to have both be represented by the same Wikidata concept. For the purposes of having a precise ontology it's very important to have distinct Wikidata concepts for both.

Currently the solutions of adding manual interwiki links or trying to circumvent Wikidata inability to add redirects are clumsy and require manual labor. I therefore propose a property that solves the issue and that's easy to use. ChristianKl (talk) 12:49, 7 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

No existing property is expected to create interwikis in 100% of languages in 100% of cases.
Maybe in 10 years we'll realise that such technical property (i.e. the one proposed here) is redundant and that heuristic interwiki building based on some set of semantic properties (class-of, instance-of, part-of, etc) can fit 100% cases — but currently it can't. We need this technical property at least as temporary measure (to analyse use cases when wikipedia articles bound to different wikidata items need to be "cross-interwikied").
P.S.: I'm not sure if it's clear from the text above. The property being proposed in proposed to be used for global linking (i.e. interwikis implied by this property are to appear in all languages of wikipedia without usage of any templates in correspondent wikipedia articles). However, it probably requests MediaWiki code to support it. Sasha1024 (talk) 15:56, 19 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Scary perspective. While one Wikipedia may have an article on every Pokemon, each would link to the same list on enwiki.
--- Jura 05:57, 20 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I don't understand you. I think that if some Wikipedia has an article on every Pokemon, they shouldn't be interwikied to en:Pokémon/en:List of Pokémon. That's why I propose distinct purely-technical property instead of re-using subclass-of. Sasha1024 (talk) 12:42, 20 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
If pok-wiki has an article on every pokemon and all those articles have a link to a single article on the English Wikipedia, why do you consider that to be a bad thing? ChristianKl (talk) 19:25, 20 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Pasleim, very reasonable. Could you please tell me where should I ask them? Sasha1024 (talk) 15:02, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The Wikidata development team you can contact on Wikidata:Contact the development team. But probably this is beyond the scope of that team. In such a case you can report a feature request on How this is done is explained on mw:How to report a bug. --Pasleim (talk) 15:47, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Sasha1024 (talk) 16:19, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@ChristianKl, Jura1, Sasha1024, Pasleim:  Not done, currently not technically feasible. Also this very likely needs input from more people from various projects. Meta would probably be the best place to discuss such far-reaching changes. --Srittau (talk) 23:32, 19 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

As one of nominators, I fully agree that this should not be done in this way. Pasleim recommended more correct way. I'll follow it when having a time, Sasha1024 (talk) 06:32, 20 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]