Wikidata:Property proposal/measured to

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measured to

   Not done
DescriptionThis is one of the set of object properties useful for defining a measurement. Measurements in some scientific publications are often not explained in detail, making the subsequent use of these measurements difficult.
Data typeMathematical expression
Domainphenotype characters
Example 1leaf length (measured_from some leaf base) and (measured_to some leaf apex) and (measured_exclude some leaf petiole) and (measured_include some some leaf tip beak)
Example 2missing
Example 3missing
Proposed byCarexOntology (talk) 01:06, 7 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Note - @ArthurPSmith: "added a description and verbal example since the previous comment" could you tell me how can i do for this ? "also datatype was changed to Mathematical Expression, which however does not match the examples provided." could you tell me which datatype is better? I have no clear ideas about this. Thanks CarexOntology (talk) 13:17, 19 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]