Wikidata:Pywikibot - Python 3 Tutorial/Danger Zone

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Make sure before running the examples that the bot is editing

Check your

family = 'wikidata'
mylang = 'test'
usernames['wikidata']['test'] = u'YOUR_BOT_OR_USER_NAME'

Check your login (note the wikidata:test):

$ python3 login
Logged in on wikidata:test as YOUR_BOT_OR_USER_NAME.

Then make sure that each script calls the test-site:

site = pywikibot.Site("test", "wikidata")

All examples use the Wikidata Sandbox (Q4115189) item to further prevent accidental vandalism to Wikidata-proper by people copy-pasting code. Because the item does not exist on test.wikidata you can just create a new item ( for your practice edits. If you copy-paste the examples and run them, two things might happen: You will edit Wikidata Sandbox (Q4115189) or you will see an error message of test.wikidata that tells you that the item does not exist on that site. no-such-entity: Could not find such an entity (Can't access entity Q4115189, revision may have been deleted.) [help:See for API usage; messages:[{'parameters': [], 'html': {'*': 'Could not find such an entity'}, 'name': 'wikibase-api-no-such-entity'}]]

ID's of properties and values do differ between test and live, so unexpected errors (like: ValueError: wikidata:test:Q101352 is not type <class 'str'>.) may arise if you use property and qualifier ID's from live.