Wikidata:Schema proposals/online publication

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Name online publication

Statements needed on all types of online publication, e.g. a blog post or online news article

Associated item online publication (Q1714118)
Parent schema E35
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
  ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1714118 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!


Who Step Description Progress Instructions
Community 1 Create proposal page ✓ Done
2 Community topic groups notification Try and involve as many people as possible in the discussion, especially those with specific knowledge about the subject area. A good place to start is posting messages to relevant Wiki Projects on Wikidata and Wikipedia with a request for feedback (make sure you include a link to this page). You can also post messages on Wikidata:Project chat for general feedback and help finding other editors with relevant subject knowledge.
3 Community discussion Add new topics as required to the Discussion section below. The aim is to reach a consensus on the correct structure for the proposed schema, and present this in the Proposed model section below.
4 Proposed schema ready Once the Proposed model section is complete, change the status at top of page to "Ready"
Technical 5 Create schema The new Wikidata Schema is created at this stage by a technical editor, using the proposed model on this page to define the structure. The status should be changed to "done", and "schema_id" added to the template so that a link is shown to the new schema
6 Add link to this proposal on talk page of new Wikidata Shema This ensures the proposal discussion can always be found easily, as all future discussion will take place on the talk page of the new Wikidata Schema page.
Community 7 Community topic groups notification Let users involved in the discussion know the new schema is ready.



Add discussion topics here as required when planning the Proposed model below. Please read the instructions in the Progress table above for involving as many people as possible in the discussion.

External schemas
External databases

Proposed model


Present the final model that has been agreed following the discussion with community members. You can use the layout shown in the example table below if applicable, but there is no specific required format. Just make sure it’s presented in a way that makes all parts of the model clear to someone viewing this page for the first time. The most common parts to include in the model are statements, including qualifiers and references where applicable to your schema.

Parent schema EXXX
Property Value/Qualifiers Notes/explanation