Wikidata:Status updates/2012 04 20

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-04-20.


  • Finished second scrum cycle: Scrum cycle archive
    • Refactored/cleaned up a lot of the core Wikibase (extension) code
    • Created derived storage tables and associated updating code
    • Implemented several API modules
    • Completed the implementation for the label and description editing of the data view which can store a value using an api call now
    • Started implementing the site link (language link) editing for the data view
    • Investigated caching
    • Sped up sorting of language links
    • Fixed RTL bugs
    • Work on setting up a demo system on labs (still needs more work)
  • Start of third scrum cycle: Current scrum cycle
    • This one will be 2 weeks instead of 1 week as the previous ones

You can follow commits at;a=shortlog;h=HEAD and;a=shortlog;h=HEAD (stuff not merged into master yet isn't included there)





see Events

  • keynote by Denny at Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces Workshop at WWW2012 in Lyon (slides are on the Events page)
  • upcoming: housewarming party at Wikimedia Deutschland’s new office
  • upcoming: Wikimedia Deutschland’s membership assembly
  • upcoming: SMWCon

Other Stuff

  • Sam Reed from the Wikimedia Foundation joined the team this week to discuss testing, deployment, code review and so on
  • very first screenshot for those who don’t want to set up a system on their own:

File:Very first Wikidata screenshot.png

If you have anything to add please share it.