Wikidata:Status updates/2012 11 23

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-11-23.


  • Updated demo system
  • Refactored and improved change propagation code
  • Add option for client and change propagations to work with job queue
  • Added filter and preference for recent changes on the client, to show/hide Wikidata edits
  • Pruning of changes table
  • Fixed some issues in the Wikidata Vagrant
  • Added puppet recipe for Wikidata on WMF labs
  • Worked on making statements editable in the frontend
  • JSON of entities is sent to the frontend now
  • Finalized DataTypes extension’s $.valueview system
  • Improved entity selector widget
  • Added Selenium tests for special pages
  • Tracking separate revision ids in Javascript to fix the edit conflict handling
  • Fixed fatal PHP error in Special:SetLabel
  • Entities with just whitespaces as label/description are not allowed anymore

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can follow Template:Wdchanges and view the subset Template:Wdreview.

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata at





see Events

  • upcoming: Offener Sonntag at WMDE’s membership assembly
  • upcoming: SWIB
  • local meetup in Bangalore

Other Noteworthy Stuff


Open Tasks for You


Anything to add? Please share! :)