Wikidata:Status updates/2014 11 15

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2014-11-15.

  • Upcoming office hours for Commons (Nov 20th) and Wikidata (Dec 3rd). More details on the office hour page.
  • GLAM/Wikidata hackathon in Amsterdam

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Help make sure these items have labels in your language

Did you know?



  • Work on reviving the tree of life built from Wikidata data
  • Added a "featured portal" badge (Q17580674)
  • Improved the performance of getting labels and sitelinks in Lua (and decreased the memory usage)
  • Did groundwork on applying page deletions to the repo
  • Refactor initialization of EntityView so that we can use batched label lookup for improved performance.
  • Added IRC to available protocolls for the URL datatype
  • Improved calendar model display

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here

Monthly Tasks


Anything to add? Please share! :)