Wikidata:Status updates/2014 12 13

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2014-12-13.

Other Noteworthy Stuff


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  • More work on making it possible to query Wikidata data (mw:Wikibase/Indexing)
  • Further improvements to performance on the clients (Wikipedia etc)
  • Fixed and improved JSON dump creation process
  • Finishing touches on new sitelinks section
  • Worked more on supporting quantities with units - first basic version is making good progress
  • Unprotected Q183 (Germany) again (had to be protected to ensure site availability)
  • Improved performance for page views on Wikidata (no longer accessing actual entity data blob, when page is available from parser cache)
  • Moved issues from github to phabricator and closed/checked bugs marked for testing

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here

Monthly Tasks


Anything to add? Please share! :)