Wikidata:Status updates/2015 06 06

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2015-06-06.



Other Noteworthy Stuff


Did you know?



  • Italian Wikipedia and all remaining Wikisource projects now have arbitrary access. The rollout will continue. The schedule for the next projects is at d:Wikidata:Arbitrary access.
  • The Content Translation tool now automatically connects translated articles to Wikidata. (Thanks Content Translation developers!) Previously translated but unconnected articles have been connected by a bot. (Thanks Amir!)
  • Code review of the extensions written by a team of students to improve the constraint reports and make it possible to automatically check our data against other databases. A first version will go live soon pending further codereview and fixes.
  • Two new methods have been added to the lua library provided by Wikibase: wikibase.resolvePropertyId and wikibase.entity:getBestStatements.
  • Further work on making unserializable values editable in the UI (This can happen for example if a property is deleted.)
  • Made the Wikidata JSON dumps available on Labs in the standard dumps location there (/public/dumps).
  • Worked on automatically creating a redirect when merging items via the API.
  • Rewrote the script that generates a map image based on geocoordinates in Wikidata. (Result see above.)
  • Released Wikibase DataModel 3.0

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here.

Monthly Tasks

  • Hack on one of these.
  • Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
  • Help develop the next summary here!
  • Contribute to a Showcase item
  • Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
  • Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.

Anything to add? Please share! :)