Wikidata:Status updates/2020 06 01

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-06-1.


  • Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #15, June 7
  • Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Discussion of our Wikidata priorities and needs as we plan for the group's future, 02 June. Agenda

Tool of the week

  • wdumps allows you to create a limited RDF dump from Wikidata, for those times when your SPARQL queries keep timing out. It is not particularly user-friendly, and it typically takes several hours to get a complete dump, but it is the best way to for example get a list of all English names of humans in Wikidata, or a list of every scientific article with its title and DOI.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • The former WikiProject iNaturalist was renamed WikiProject Biodiversity to allow discussions beyond iNaturalist.
  • Special:FewestRevisions to be disabled, if you are currently using it, please leave a comment
  • Winners of the Wikidata competition during Museum Day 2020: VIGNERON, Alexmar983, Braveheart, Pasleim, Benoît Prieur,, Nono314, Sukkoria and Airon90. Congratulations!
  • As part of a thesis project, the search engine "Lister" has been developed to make it easier for the general public to access data on the Semantic Web in general, and WikiData specifically. It's in a usability test-phase right now, and if you'd like to try it out and help improve it, you can do so at this link. The test should at most 15 minutes.
  • Follow the discussion about restricting editing of properties to autoconfirmed users.
  • New domain to be adopted by our Toolforge community. New domain/scheme for Toolforge-hosted webservices will change from<toolname>/ to <toolname> with the aim to introduce permanent redirects for the legacy URLs on 2020-06-15.
  • Wikidata development team is currently running a survey until June 9th to understand better how people access and reuse Wikidata’s data from the code of their applications and tools (for example through APIs), and how we can improve the tools to make your workflows easier. If you would like to participate, please use this link (Google Forms, estimated fill-in time 5min).

Did you know?



  • More documentation for federated properties
  • Properly display federated properties on a local item's Revision History page (phab:T249836)
  • More improvements on the Wikidata Bridge
  • Add Wikidata support for awawiki (phab:T252870)
  • Fix various bugs on Wikibase
  • Work on improving the unclear error messages (phab:T247690)
  • Create reports for the reference hunt game

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks
