Wikidata:Status updates/2021 09 13

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2021-09-13.

  • Upcoming:
    • WikidataCon update: you can now check in the program of the first day of the online conference
    • Transbordados: WikidataCon's preconference for Latin America - September 14, 21 and 28 (21h UTC) - with simultaneous translation for Portuguese and Spanish, via YouTube - set of events to discuss Wikidata and decoloniality, knowledge organization and digital dissemination of collections in Latin America contexts. Join us!
      • 14/09 - Towards a decolonial wiki: overflowing knowledge from the Latin American horizon - speakers: Amanda Jurno (Wiki Movimento Brasil), Bianca Santana (journalist, writer and activist) and Silvia Gutiérrez (El Colégio de México) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
      • 21/09 - The universe of libraries: Wikidata and the multiplication of knowledge potencies - speakers: Lilian Viana (GLAM das Bibliotecas da USP) and Maurício Genta (Wikimedia Argentina e Biblioteca Nacional da Argentina) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
      • 28/09 - Digital collections and Wikidata: organizing a network of knowledge - speakers: Evelin Heidel (a.k.a. Scann; Wikimedistas do Uruguai) and Karen Worcman (Museu da Pessoa) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
    • Demo of the Query Builder live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 14 at 18:00 CEST
  • Ongoing:
    • Data Quality Days - several sessions happened over the past days and more are coming this week. Recordings, slides and notes are linked in the program
  • Past:
    • Forex - 36C3 Wikipaka WG: Live querying: let’s explore Wikidata together! - YouTube

Tool of the week

  • Wwwyzzerdd for Wikidata is a browser extension that allows you to view and edit Wikidata information from Wikipedia (demo video). Install it in Firefox or Chrome

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • Face The Facts mobile app allows you to scan election posters and see the true facts about politicians.
  • Wikidata now has over 150,000 Senses on Lexemes!

Did you know?



  • Mismatch Finder: The website part of the tool is taking shape but is not quite functional yet. We worked on creating the results page. You can see the current very much not finished state at
  • Linked the Query Builder from the Query Service so it is discoverable (phab:T280229)
  • Finished work on normalizing filenames when linking to media files on Commons (phab:T251480)
  • All new wikis will now be created with elastic search support, including Wikibase indexes! All existing sites will have elastic search soon! (Source)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks
