Wikidata:Status updates/2022 12 12

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2022-12-12.



Tool of the week


Other Noteworthy Stuff


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  • Vektor 2022: Finished work on making Vector’s new Search work with Wikidata. The changes roll out for testing on next week (phab:T275251)
  • Query Service:
    • Getting a link to the query is now possible in the same place as getting a link to the result of the query (phab:T324218)
    • Removed the gif that showed on hover over the button that advertises the Query Builder to make it less annoying (phab:T296135)
    • Added wikibase:identifiers to the autocomplete feature (phab:T302057)
    • Adjusted the layout of the Query Builder header to be more in line with other application (phab:T288939)
  • Constraint violations: When a language name is mentioned in the constraint it will now show the name of the language in the interface language instead of the language itself to make it easier to understand (phab:T316936)

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Monthly Tasks
