विकिडेटा:दसमा जनमदिन/एगो कार्यक्रम चलाबौ

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Tenth Birthday/Run an event and the translation is 25% complete.

Wikidata is turning 10! #WikidataBirthday Distributed birthday events in October 2022

की आपै विकिडाटा केरो 10मा जनमदिन लेली एगो कार्यक्रम आयोजित करै मँ रुचि रखै छियै? ई शुरू करै लेली ई सही जग्घो छेकै।

शुरू होय जा

विकि मोविमेंटो ब्रासील द्वारा 2021 मँ विकीडाटा जन्मदिन समारोह

विकिडाटा वितरित कार्यक्रम एगो विकेन्द्रीकृत कार्यक्रम छेकै जहाँ दुनिया भर के सब्भे स्थानीय समूह, संगठन या समुदाय के सदस्य अपनौ खुद के कार्यक्रम के आयोजन करै सकै छै! 2020 सँ, COVID-19 स्वास्थ्य स्थिति के कारण, अधिकांश कार्यक्रम ऑनलाइन होय रहलो छै, लेकिन वू क्षेत्रो मँ ऑनसाइट कार्यक्रम आयोजित करना भी संभव छै जहाँ स्थिति एकरो अनुमति दै छै।

The birthday celebration events are typically taking place from mid-September to mid-November, with a focus on the month of October, and particularly October 29th, the anniversary date of Wikidata. These events can be organized specially to celebrate Wikidata's birthday, but you can also dedicate one or several of your regular events (meetup, livestream, editing sessions...) to Wikidata's 10th birthday.

We are hoping to see many decentralized, autonomous and local events taking place in 2022 to celebrate Wikidata's birthday. Here are a few ways to get something started in your community:

  • talk to people around you, for example in your WikiProject or local affiliate, and start thinking about what you could do for Wikidata's 10th birthday
  • get inspiration from previous events and formats (see list below), but don't hesitate to innovate and think of new formats!
  • join the Wikidata Events Telegram group to interact with other event organizers
  • share your ideas, suggestions and wishes on the talk page or on the Telegram group
  • connect with your local ecosystem: libraries, universities, hackerspaces, Goethe Institut... who could support you with providing space or infrastructure
  • check our help pages to learn more about how you can organize an event: how to schedule an event, visual and communication kit, how to get funding for your event
  • don't wait for the last minute to ask for funding! Requests should be made 45 days before your activities start
  • don't forget to adapt your event to the local laws and health guidelines of your country.

जन्मदिन केरो कार्यक्रम के विचार

8th birthday celebration in Nigeria

The main goals of Wikidata's 10th birthday are:

  • celebrate the achievements of volunteers with your local community
  • share knowledge among your local community: encourage people to share what they know about Wikidata and its related tools
  • onboard new people: introduce new people to Wikidata!

ऑनलाइन आरू ऑनसाइट कार्यक्रमो के उदाहरण:

  • अपनो स्थानीय समुदाय के साथ जन्मदिन समारोह बैठक
  • शुरुआत करै वाला यूजर लेली विकिडेटा केरो परिचय
  • Editing session or editing campaign on a specific topic
  • Hackathon to reuse data from Wikidata
  • Translathon to improve the labels of Wikidata in your language
  • Kick-off a Wikidata section in your user group
  • Give an introduction to Wikidata to a local partner (university, library...)
  • Wikibase install-party
  • Talk show about Wikidata in your language
  • Livestream: editing Wikidata & demoing tools
  • Livestream: SPARQL introduction

To get ideas and inspiration, you can have a look at what happened in the previous years:

आयोजको सँ जुड़ो

Group photo from Wikidata Lab XI organized for Wikidata's 6th birthday in Brazil

There are many people interested in Wikidata events or working on their own event for the birthday. In order to get answers to your questions and get inspiration from others, feel free to join the dedicated Telegram group Wikidata events or to use the talk page.

Join the Telegram group

If you have general questions about the frame of the Wikidata birthday, how to enter an event in the calendar, or how to connect with organizers, feel free to contact Lea Lacroix (WMDE) at lea.lacroix_ext@wikimedia.de.

If you have questions about the Rapid Fund program, about the eligibility criteria or the activities that can be funded, or about an application that you sent through Fluxx, please contact your Regional Program Officer.

We are also running calls for organizers during which you can exchange ideas with other organizers and ask questions to the project coordinator and to one of the program officers. The calls take place in this Jitsi room, during 20 to 50min. Everyone is welcome to join!

Upcoming organizers calls

  • Tuesday, August 23rd at 06:00 UTC
  • Tuesday, August 23rd at 18:00 UTC
  • Thursday, September 8th, at 07:00 UTC
  • Thursday, September 8th, at 15:00 UTC
  • Thursday, September 22nd, at 07:00 UTC
  • Thursday, September 22nd, at 17:00 UTC
  • Thursday, October 6th, at 10:00 UTC
  • Monday, October 17th, at 06:00 UTC
  • Monday, October 17th, at 17:00 UTC

आरू संसाधन सिनी